~Banana Christmas Special~

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[Continuation of the main story line- Many years later]

Eiji's POV

When I was a child, I dreamed of getting a beautiful girlfriend. I'd marry her and we'll have children. We'll have our own family  It was the picture I envisioned. It was what I wanted.

When I entered this relationship with Aslan, that dream of mine crossed my mind a hundred times already and it sometimes cause my heart to waver, to feel afraid, not for my own sake but for him. For sure, he also wanted a future like that. If he didn't meet me, for sure he'd have it.

Everytime I bring up this matter, he would look at me with tender yet lonely eyes. He'd always take my hand, place it in his chest before saying the same line over and over again.

"You hear my heart? Do you think I regret chosing you? This thing has only your name in it and it only beats for you, Eiji."

Call me crazy, but my heart always leaps out of its place every time I remember his words.

I close the door and pockets the key inside my bag. I pull up my thick scarf and slip my hands into the front pocket of my winter jacket. Now is the coldest yet most awaited season of the year.

I march down the apartment stairs and goes to the parking lot. I get inside my car and quickly let it join the other vehicles stuck in the traffic. I glance at my watch.

"Crap!" I curse out, biting my lower lip. It's already past lunch. I'm already late.

I fish out my phone and quickly pressed his name. His phone rang once and he immediately picked up.

"Yes, honey?" Ash greets me with that teasing tone of his. But I let it pass and focus on the most pressing matter on hand.

"Are you done for the day?"

"My meeting ran late but I'm free now. Why?"

"I'm stuck in a traffic so could you please pick up Lizy in her school? I'll come pick you both and we can go home together."

"Okay, okay. Just relax. Don't freak out."

As if I was hypnotized, my mind and my body listen to him and I feel an instant wave of calmness sweep over me. I breath in and out and laxes back in my seat.

"I'm sorry. See you at Yoshiteku Mall."

"Got that, love."

"Can you be consistent with the names you call me?"

"Sure thing, sweetie."

"Ugh." I grunt with a complaining tone as I hit the gas to move the car for a couple of feet. The other line died so I throw the gadget back into my bag.

After finally escaping the traffic which trapped me for at least an hour, I reach our agreed place. I pull over the car in the last spot available in the parking area.

"Papa!" A stout girl, wrapped in thick clothing, runs to me as soon as I entered her field of vision. I squat down to receive her with open arms.

"Were you good at school?" I ask as I pinch her small nose. She bobs her head lively and her chubby cheeks bounced as she did. I plant a kiss onto her cheeks that had turned into a shade of pink.

This is Lizy, our precious jewel. As to how she came into our care, a little flashback is down below.

It happened right around two years ago.


"Let's have a baby, Eiji." I was stupified by Aslan's sudden voicing of his thoughts. I break free from his hug and shoot up, now sitting erect on our bed as I look down on him with shocked eyes.

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