~Banana 3~

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"Who are you!" Ash's voice grows angry and he looks at Eiji as if Eiji was a threat to him.

Eiji doesn't know what to feel let aside, say to Ash. For over a year, Eiji longed and waited patiently for this day but it didn't come across his mind that it'd turn out this way.

"Ash I..."

Landing his sight on a small knife beside the fruits on the table, Ash grabs it. And he was fast as lightning. Eiji takes a step closer only to find out his body already pinned against the cold cream wall with a pair of emerald eyes thirsty for blood looking down on him. Eiji is out of words. He remains silent and instead looks at Ash with gentleness and a genuine smile spread across his face.

Eiji whispers as soft a possible. "I'm glad you're now alright."

"Answer me!" Ash demands vehemently, inching the knife closer and closer to Eiji's neck until it successfully digs into Eiji's skin, blood trailing down the thin silver blade. Eiji winces in pain but still maintains the soft expression on his face.

Ash finally decides to back down upon realizing Eiji's lack of threat. He retires back to bed, eyes still pinned on Eiji who's trying his best not to tremble visibly.

"This is your last chance to answer. Next time will be right through your head. And let me tell you, I never miss a target." Ash warns with danger as he throws the knife in the air and catches it back with ease, clearly showing his profession at it.

"I am..." Eiji trails off, hunting for the right words to say while gazing at the floor. He wants to say what Ash wants to hear.

I'm Eiji, your friend. Don't you remember?

Eiji lifts his head and let his eyes meet Ash's cold ones. "I'm just an old acquaintance." He says with a tight lip smile. He bites back the pain that pierces him. Now that Eiji realizes his answer will decide what relationship he'll now have with the different Ash, it'll be best if he stays on Ash's good side.

"Is that so?" Ash remarks dryly without any further ado as if he really never believed that Eiji is someone he should be wary of. Finally taking off his eyes off Eiji, he grabs an apple and starts to peel it with the knife.

How can you suddenly be so cold?

"Let me do that." Volunteers Eiji and begins to amble near Ash but stops midway when Ash shots him a deadly glare. Despite this Eiji presses on, holding on to the fact that the Ash he knew is still somewhere in there and since it is, Eiji knows Ash won't do him harm for something so trivial.

"You just woke up. Just take it easy and let me do it." Eiji insists. He has every intention of helping Ash but Ash sees it differently.

"You're underestimating me." Ash snarls as he tightens his grip on the knife and on the fruit.

"No, I'm not." Eiji counters and places his firm hold on the two objects.

"Do you think I'm that weak?" Asks Ash with a laugh and pulls back what he think he owns.

"You're not thinking right, Ash. I'm just--Ah!" Eiji quickly retrieves his hands and examines it. He stupidly cut his finger and it's quite a deep one. The color on Eiji's face drains away at the sight of the scarlet hot liquid gushing from his finger.

"Let me see." Ash tells Eiji but Eiji hides it away and flashes a "I'm alright" smile.

Ash leans in closer until their faces are only inches apart. "LET.ME.SEE." He repeats with a deadly tone. Eiji gulps down and obediently surrenders his injured hand over to Ash.

Why do I care about you? Ash wonders.

Ash grabs the first aid kit from an altar on the near left corner of his bed. He opens the box and gets the things he needs to treat the wound.

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