~Banana 25~

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Eiji gets off the car, his eyes gazing through the stretched darkness. He looks up above only to notice the gloomy sky. The moon and even the stars hide themselves behind the upset clouds.

Eiji's heart pounds even faster, even louder. There are a few streetlights in the area but still majority is under the blanket of darkness. He could barely make out anything from where he is standing. If they were to be attacked, their chances of surviving is as thin as 5%.

At least not zero. Eiji tricks his mind to at least stop his body from shaking so he could start to move normally and not like a junk broken robot. I trust my friends, don't I? Eiji clutches his chest as he starts to walk forward, the night eerie breeze pricking on his cold skin like thousands of needles.


"Remember our deal, Eiji. Don't act on your own and just remember the plan. If possible, don't think. If you have any thoughts, forget them. We're dancing on the enemies' palms so unless you're so eager to die, do what I say." Ash strictly instructs while he fastens a bulletproof vest around Eiji's upper body.

"If there are any suspicious people, you run from them no matter what. You can only trust me."

"Got it."

"If you feel like you're really in danger, don't hesitate to call me. I'll come running. Are we clear?" Ash clarifies with absolute authority coating his voice while he pins a small device on Eiji's chest and inserts an earpiece on his one ear.

"Y-Yes, sir." Eiji stands rigidly and salutes at Ash as if he was some soldier going off to a suicide mission.

"Why was there a pause?" Ash grumbles with annoyance as he stands straight and towers Eiji with his height.

You've got this. Eiji encourages himself but still, his body isn't calming down. He clenches his ice cold hands until his nails dug into his palms. Eiji raises his hands slowly and Ash could see them trembling. He brings them to cup Ash's cheeks that had turned pink because of the low degree weather. Ash tenses at the cold touch but his eyes shifts to a tender gaze, longing for something as they searches Eiji's own.

"I'll be fine." Eiji assures and smiles gently, slightly pinching Ash's cheeks. Eiji's hands are cold but Ash could feel the warmth behind them.

Worry more about yourself, idiot Eiji. Ash mentally whines. He snuggles his face more to Eiji's comfortable hands, letting his lips brush against Eiji's fingers and leaving a subtle kiss on them.

"I've got your back."

The betraying thought of putting Eiji in harm's way never left Ash's mind but he's decided to ignore it. He trusts Eiji as much as Eiji trusts him.

The car has stopped at the planned place. Eiji takes in a deep breath before clutching the handle but before he could pull it to open the door, hands pull him back.

"Be careful." Ash reminds and then plants a gentle kiss on Eiji's forehead. Eiji didn't breathe a word and just flashes a smile that contained all what he wanted to say.

Ash watches him walk away. The scene of the door closing, separating him from Eiji was something that drove him crazy in fear. Fragments of memories again begins to surge in his system. Witnessing someone getting shot before him and the fear of losing
that person was something he never wants to feel again. It is tearing Ash apart to stop himself from doing anything. But he has to get a grip of himself for Eiji. If he messes up, then everything will be ruined.

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