~Banana 41~

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Eiji trails behind the others, feeling the sun's heat piercing through his clothes and into his back. They were walking on soft golden sand until their feet finally tread on a new path. The way is made of thousands of shells, each vibrates different colors.

The pathway is so gorgeous. How much more the place we're going to sta---

"HOLY COW!" Everyone turns around and impassively stares at Eiji while the poor boy clamps his mouth shut, clearly shocked by his own sudden exlamation.

The ediface before everyone cannot be described in words. To put it in a way human mind can comprehend, it is utterly magnificient and beautiful. But these two words are still an understatement though.

The group is nearing the entrance and suddenly the glass doors open 'by themselves' according to Eiji's amused mind. But really, it has servants doing the work.

They enter the place calmly. Yes, calmly. Everyone excepts for Eiji who is looking at every single detail wide eyed.

The person owning this place must be crazy rich. Eiji tears off his eyes from the chandilier that dangles real diamonds and other precious stones and casts his attention to the paintings hanging on the walls.

I bet my life would be insufficient if I scratch one of these. Eiji gulps down the lump on his throat as the scene of him being hanged upside down for doing such a crime vividly plays in his mind.

Then Sing speaks. "This villa is yours, isn't it?"


"Horse." Ash cuts in sarcastically. "Make it a horse this time Eiji. A holy horse."

Eiji flicks his head to Ash who is now looking irritated. "Stop freaking out over small things will you?" Ash harshly adds.

Eiji bites his lips as he casts down his head. Why so grumpy?

After a good time looking at what wonders the base floor has to offer, it was time for them to take their rest.

"Please follow me, sir." Eiji sheepishly smiles at the old man carrying his luggge. He bobs his head upside down and the man starts to lead the way. They go up the stairs, which of course is as sophisticating as the other materials. As they set foot on the second floor, Eiji is greeted by the sound of ocean waves crashing with each other and it made his heart thump harder against his chest.

The servant opens the door which Eiji presumes would be his room for the stay. And it was unlike any other beauty he's seen until now. Just opposite from the entrance is a large sliding door that leads to a veranda where one can see the amusing sea. Without any thoughts, Eiji runs to it, his mind getting refreshed by the mere sight of nature.

"Master Ash Lynx specifically picked out this room for you, sir. I see he really knows your tastes." Eiji slightly blushes at the new information. As expected, Eiji really can't figure out what's going inside Ash's head.

That man is just so complicated.

"I guess he does." Eiji replies softly before the man takes his leave.

Eiji looks down and sees people of different races having their own thrill and fun.

I'll be down there later. Eiji thinks. He returns inside while massaging his neck and shoulders that had gone torpid after hours of being trapped by a sleeping creature. He dives down the queen sized bed face first and lies on his stomach. He closes his eyes and only then the aching starts to creep from his toes to his legs and then finally to his chest area. Only then has he realized he's tired.

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