~Banana 39~

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Heat claws into every inch of Eiji's skin, forcing its way to the tiniest pores. It is comforting and relaxing at first that it sweeps the boy deeper in slumber but every second that passes, the heat seems to intensify. It seeps in deeper and pierces inside until sweat pools out. Air couldn't go through Eiji's lungs and with this, he was awaken from his sleep.

Eiji paints a sour face as he immediately takes off his shirt and fans himself with the nearest thing he could grab.

I'm sure I didn't turn the heater last night. Eiji thinks and leads his gaze to the window. The sight of the blazing sun scorching down to every living thing gives Eiji goosebumps. He peels his eyes off the source of the excruciating heat and attempts to stand from his bed when he noticed something latching on his waist.

Eiji flips the blanket only to see Ash hugging him tightly. Slowly, Eiji tries to free himself but Ash just tightens his hold.

"Wake up Ash." Eiji gently calls out as he wipes the beads of sweat that trickle on his forehead. He shakes Ash slightly but succeeded only in making Ash squirm even closer.

"Your sweat is sticking to me. I'm not your personal towel you know."

After a few moments, Ash's eyes flutter open and they look at Eiji with so much glee. "Good morning." Ash greets with his raspy voice. Eiji smiles and returns the greeting.

"Ash." Eiji starts off softly. "Could you let me go 'cause I'm seriously suffocating from this heat."

"Sure, sure." Eiji's face lightens up by Ash's positive response but immediately drops to a disappointed and annoyed face when Ash moved away only about five inches apart.

"Seriously." With a loud groan, Eiji exerts all strength he could gather and gets up from the bed, not caring whether Ash gets dragged along. Ash drops down the hard floor face first and Eiji didn't even bother checking if he was okay. All Eiji desperately cares at the moment is refreshment. He kicks Ash by the abdomen to completely free himself and quickly runs to the windows and opens it. Wind comes rushing in and Eiji couldn't be more grateful for it.

Arms slowly slithers around Eiji's torso and Eiji jerks at the sudden touch. But unlike earlier, he doesn't feel irritated but rather warm in a special kind of way. Eiji couldn't stop a sweet smile from surfacing up because never in his wildest imagination did he think they'd be acting like this with each other.

"Aren't you feeling hot?" Eiji asks in a soft whisper with his head slightly tilted to meet Ash's eyes of delight.

Ash adjusts his hold and plants a soft kiss on Eiji's head. "Not one bit." He responds with a chuckle. "I wish we could stay like this forever." Ash blurts out and Eiji couldn't help but feel guilty and hurt.

Is it okay to let this continue any longer? Eiji starts to doubt. He failed to realize how in a twinkling of an eye their relationship had grew deeper. Ash has started to be whole again and knowing this is unbearable for Eiji because he knows so well he'd break him again later.

"What's wrong?"

"Hm? Nothing." Eiji swiftly replies. He places his hands on Ash's, lets it stay there for a while before making Ash's arms release him free. He turns to Ash and looks up to him, hiding all the pains from his eyes.

"Promise me one thing." Eiji says with a quivering voice. He reaches Ash's sweaty cheeks. "That you'd be happy even without me with you."

Ash's eyes look so hurt as Eiji let go of his cruel words. A world without Eiji is something Ash never dared to imagine. The mere thought of it shakes him so much. If he does lose Eiji, he knows he won't be able to come back from it.

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