~Banana 47~

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After a long debate with Ash, with his defeat Eiji is forced to go home for rest. Eiji opens the door of his room and lifelessly retires to the bed. His body quickly recognizes the comfort of the place and fatigue attempts to take over his body but Eiji won't let it have its way. His hands cover his face and his weak knees tremble.

"This can't be true." He convinces himself but it was not taking effect. "Why does it have to be this way?" Tears just flow again. At this point, Eiji could barely feel his body nor feel any other emotions but pain. He's not recovering.

"I should've just stayed silent, I should've just obeyed Ash then I wouldn't have to go through this hell." Eiji clutches on his hair and pulls it to knock sense back to himself.

"Calm down and think this through. Calm down and think this through." Stabbing his chest, he chants to himself and shuts his eyes close and when they did, a flashback rushed to his mind.

"Today's the day I promised!" Eiji exclaims out of the blue. He throws his eyes on the clock and his blood calms down a little knowing he still has an hour left. Grabbing his jacket, he flings it around his shoulders and quickly heads to the door. He doesn't want to disappoint Ash anymore. He doesn't want to break promises and hurt Ash any than he already did.

Nine in the evening, that's what he told me. Eiji takes a deep breath before completely pushing the door open. He doesn't want to make the wrong decision again. He's had enough of regrets, there's no room left for it.

Wait for me Ash. I'll give you my answer to your question.

Eiji enters the cafe and silently let his eyes dance around the dim lit room. Nothing special attracts his eyes which means Ash is still not here. The boy takes a table for two at a corner and silently stares at the door. His heartbeat abnormally speeds up everytime the chimes of the door sound off, highly expecting for a certain someone to appear. Every passing second, Eiji's fragile body couldn't push itself more beyond its extended limit that by merely keeping his eyes open is taking a huge toll on his body. Unconsciously, his eyelids start to close, inviting sleep to take over the controls.

Eiji has now fallen deep in sleep. In his unconscious world, it is dark and dull yet calm and peaceful.
It makes the young man painfully wish to stay in such state - forever asleep.

"Eiji..." He hears a voice gently calling out his name. For a reason, he feels a tug on his chest. A figure then starts to stream into view from his foggy vision. That hair, that back, that man... is slowly walking away from him, leaving him.

No! Don't leave me please! Eiji pleads but couldn't find his voice. He can't stop him and he's walking even further away. He's losing him.

"I'm letting you go."

"Ash no!" Eiji wakes at his own desperate scream, his breathing labored and his cheeks wet with tears. Eyes are set on him but what attracts Eiji's undivided attention are those pair of ocean blue orbs. He stares at them and it took him quite a while to recognize the owner.

"A-Ace? Why are you here? You're supposed to be---"

"Shhh. Don't make a fuss." Ace whispers, pressing his finger onto his own lips to hush Eiji down. "I'm fine now and that's what matters." He sufficed, planting his hand on Eiji's shoulders and Eiji flinches by it.

"You're not supposed to be here. Not when you just got an operation." Eiji tells Ace calmly while assisting him because he looks so much in pain.

"What are you doing here?" Eiji looks Ace straight in the eyes, his gaze overflowing with relief.

"I'm okay." Ace assures, cupping Eiji's cold cheeks and caressing them with his thumb. "You should worry about yourself more. You look so pale."

"I'm fine." Eiji tells him flatly, making Ace fall back.

"Why are you here?" Eiji's question came in heavy and Ace picked up on it quickly.

Gripping Eiji's wrist, he abruptly pulls him up. "We need to go." Ace says. Confused, it took Eiji a while to process the words and stay on his ground.

"Wait wait wait!" Eiji yells while trying to retrieve his hand but Ace pays no attention of his compaints. "I said wait!" Mustering up his strength, he tugs his hands in one go, making Ace turn back to him.

Shortly after gaining stable breathing, Eiji spills the troubling question. "What is going on?"

"You're waiting for Ash, aren't you?"

Eiji stops before he hesitantly nods.

"He can't make it. He's entrusted you to me so come with me."

Once again, Ace attempts to snatch Eiji's hand but Eiji was quick to pull away first. "Why?" He questions, his voice shaking. "Did something happen to him? Is it that bad that he sent you personally? Tell me."

Ace grunts under his breath, making it seem like he's holding himself back. "Yes, something did happen but I'm telling you to calm down 'cause he's alright. I'm not supposed to be telling you this but if this will make you come, then screw it."

Eiji eyes waver in worry but if Ash is having a problem to worry right now, adding to that burden is the last thing he'd want to do.

Ace once again offers his hand and this time Eiji takes it without any hesitation.

Ash please stay safe. I don't want to lose you a second time. Eiji's mind fervently prays.


"I've followed you this far and I'm not taking another step forward unless you answer me. Where are we heading to?" Eiji yells out, trying to let his voice win over the helicopter's noise.

"Is that really important right now?"

"It is."

I don't want to be kept in the shadows anymore.

"Tch. Never knew you'd be this stubborn." Ace mutters to himself as he jumps off the chopper and walks back to Eiji. "An isolated island a few miles from here. You'll be safe there." He shouts near Eiji's ear. Hearing that, Eiji automatically moves his body and boards his flight.

"You should've told me that sooner."


"Where are you going?"

"I'll be back."

"That's not an answer." Sing hisses and turns back to Yut Lung. "I'll be back."

"I wouldn't care even if you didn't come back." Sing's lips itch to smirk at Yut Lung's sulking face but he held it back quite well. "Tell your men not to follow us so obviously. Ash might get irritated and you know what that little beast is capable of."

"Who said I'm sending men to watch over you? I said I didn't care!"

Sing just shrugs and then makes his leave and quickly catches on Ash's large strides. "I'm going with you."

Ash is silent and just continues on his way. Rather than looking annoyed and looking like he could kill someone, which would be his normal reaction, Ash's eyes have a glint of excitement instead. His face has no trace of worry nor trouble to the point it made every single hair on Sing's body stand up.

This guy must have a date if he looks this happy. This is good but I just hope I won't get to see him break again. That'd be fucking annoying. Sing thinks, silently bidding Ash best luck.

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