Chapter 56 | The Gem on the Tree

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The boat that Agent 34, Ben, and Thad were on docked to the shore later than the others had—around half an hour later like Thad predicted. Everyone else were waiting for them, already having set up a few tents there for the night. The black rain was falling upon them, everyone already having their cloaks covering them heavily.  A few soldiers became corrupted by the rain, the others having to kill them quickly to prevent them from trying to spread the death that was already plaguing the country.

After exiting the ship and helping unload the rations and other items needed to sustain their trip to the empire, Agent 34 departed a little farther down the coast. He walked along the sand which had been roughed up from the thousands of footsteps that had been imprinted upon it over the years, each leaving a different tale behind it.

Most of the trees along the coast had died due to the storm and other natural disasters. A single palm tree was stood standing a little off near the edge, leaves blowing in the wind. Agent 34 walked over to it, pulling out a small dagger that had been tied to his belt that consisted of many tools to help him on his journey. He began to carve into the tree. In the carvings he drew a small gem. There was a single sparkle on it and that was it. It took him around ten minutes to do so, and took a step back to look at his piece of art on the tree. He had wanted to write a message of sorts in there, but didn't attempt to ruin the gem by doing so. Agent 34 was illiterate. Without any expression coming from him, he left the carvings and returned to the Zena's camp.

~ ~ ~

All of the soldiers were eating and having a good time when Agent 34 arrived. Thad called him over to where the Destigems were discussing something in a small circle over by the boats. Agent 34 seated himself beside Marque and Sercon, silently listening as Thad talked about the plans.

"Ben, since you foolishly decided to sneak upon the ships despite me telling you not to, I might as well let you help us anyways," the dwarf explained. "Did Cassie end up coming on here as well?"

The boy nodded. "She's a medic,"

"Did she leave the children?" The dwarf asked him.

Ben nodded slowly. "She left them with me—" He stopped, realizing what he had done.

"You left those kids on their own?!" Thad shouted.

"I—" Ben began to stutter. "I didn't realize—"

"We aren't on our own," a young voice from behind Thad said. He turned around to see a little girl with her smaller brother beside her.

"God damn it!" He cried. "You two snuck aboard too?"

"We saw Ben doing it so we wanted to help, too!" Rose said. "I can help you fight Braunick!"

"No, no, no," Ben said before Thad could. "There's no way I'm letting you two get yourselves killed. We've lost too many in this family, we can't lose another,"

"Ben, I can help!" Rose said.

"What about me?" the innocent Carter asked.

"You can't do anything, loser," she told her little brother.

"Shut up! I just want to go see Mom again!" Carter said, tears in his eyes.

"Quiet," Thad declared. "All of you. Listen. Ben, you will help us in battle. Cassie will come and take these two home and watch after them. It's one less medic we have on the battlefield but it's two lives saved. Get back onto the ship, you two. I will send a few soldiers with you to help you if you encounter anything at sea,"

"Ben, you will go up with us to Braunick's island. If you ever get a chance, you will go and try to rescue Calvin. If not, you stay with us and face Braunick. Got it?"

"Got it," He nodded, a smile stretching across his face.

"What about us?" Rose asked to Lord Thad.

"Ben, go find Cassie and instruct her to take these two home. I'm sorry you two, but a battlefield is no place for someone that isn't even ten-years-old yet,"

"I'm ten!" Rose exclaimed. "I turned ten years old a few days ago!"

"Either way," the dwarf said. "I can't let you fight this war. Go with Ben and find Cassie. Now,"

The two children looked down in shame as their older brother took them towards the tents and campfires, black rain pouring down on them.

"They're not that smart if they snuck aboard a ship to try to help us fight a literal God at this point, but they're at least smart enough to wear their cloaks to shield from the rain," Thad said, making some Destigems chuckle. "Alright, now back to the battle plans," He said, turning back towards the group.

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