Chapter 64 | Calvin's Magic

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Calvin's wicked smile grew, revealing his semi-straight teeth. He formed another ball on his other hand, dropping the sword quickly.

"Kill him," Sarah told him. Calvin looked back and nodded with a smile of excitement on his face.

Ben's face went cold. "Mom," he stated as Calvin came towards him. He knew there was no way he could beat him, not even before he gained the power of Black Magic. The Destigems behind him were ready to strike whenever Calvin did, watching his every move.

Suddenly, the grey human whipped around and slammed his fist straight into Deathbringer's chest, knocking him to the ground with a howl. He threw his other fist into Sarah, knocking her into the wall.

"Calvin!" Ben exclaimed with happiness. "I knew you weren't evil!"

"I would never betray the Zena," he said. "Now get over here kid and help me kill your mother and her friend,"

Ben rushed over to aid Calvin and threw his blade down onto Deathbringer, who quickly dodged it by rolling to the side.

"Go on ahead," Calvin told the group who watched the battle commence. "Braunick in there and he is doing something big. Don't let him finish the ritual," The grey human threw both hands towards the big black doors to the throne room and a black glow appeared around them as they were flung off their hinges and onto the ground, revealing the inside.

They all went inside, leaving the four to battle in the corridor of the castle.

Deathbringer jumped up, launching at Calvin immediately. After months of battling the cloaked man, this was the battle in which he would finally end his life.

Ben's mom jumped back up, flying into the air. She formed balls of black energy in her hands as well, her eyes glowing a purple color. "Benjamin! You're grounded!"

"You don't tell me what to do anymore," Ben told her. "You are not my mother anymore,"

Sarah hissed, launching towards him. She threw a punch at him, missing when he rolled to the left to dodge it. She whipped around and hit him from the back, knocking him forwards onto his knees.

Sarah took his as a chance to attack. She flew down and jumped on his back, picking him up and flying upwards. Ben dropped his sword as she wrapped her arounds around him and began to slowly tighten her grip.

"You were always my favorite, Ben," she whispered into his ear, the words simply going out the other. He wasn't going to let her manipulate him like she had their entire lives. Ben fumbled in his belt to remove the dagger that was tied to the side of it.

"Rose and Carter? Idiots. You're the best one," she whispered again as the grip became tighter and tighter. "Come on, Ben. Help your mommy,"

Ben's hopes raised when he felt the dagger was loose from the belt and he turned the blade around and slammed it into his mother's thigh. She dropped him immediately and screamed in pain. The boy held onto the dagger as he fell, dragging it farther down her leg, and eventually to the ground. He landed on his feet and quickly took a minute to take a breath. Before he could regain his strength, he was slammed into from behind and slid across the marble floor.

The boy rolled onto his back, preparing for another attack. He was surprised to see that Sarah now had his fallen blade and was above him, preparing to bring it down upon him. Ben rolled the left as the sword came down and collided with the marble where he laid literally a second ago. He pushed himself off the ground and onto his feet. Ben jumped onto his mother's back and slammed the bloody dagger into her neck this time, Sarah screaming in pain.

She tried to fly farther down the corridor, but her strength failed her and she fell to the ground. Ben tumbled off of her, tearing streaming down his eyes. This battle affected him more than anyone else.

Sarah simply laid there in defeat. "Kill me already," she beckoned to him. "I can't beat you,"

Ben tightened his grip on his bloody dagger as he pushed his tired legs off the ground. He stared at his beat up mother stretched out before him. She sat in a pool of blood, part of it from her leg, the other seeping from the back of her neck.

It pained him to see his mother like this. No matter how much she did to him, he did not have the heart to kill her. This was the woman that had given him life, and he was expected give her death in return.

"Ben, you're a strong man," she said, tearing streaming down her cheeks. "I'm proud I raised someone like you. I know I'm evil. The storm does what it wants, but until that storm is gone, I'm evil forever. And so is everyone else in Renya. My story is complete. Now, it's time to complete yours. Go. Leave me. Go help the Destigems defeat Braunick,"


"Go. I'm sorry, Ben," Sarah told him. "Tell your siblings I love them. Tell yourself that, too,"

Ben wiped the tears off his face and he ran past his dying mother and quickly grabbed his sword off the ground. He ran into the throne room after his friends, meeting Calvin as he did. Ben looked past his grey friend and saw a dead Deathbringer, multiple bloodstains on his cloak, more holes than before, and the body no longer breathing.

They went in together.

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