Chapter 11 | The Ar'gual with the Crippled Leg

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"We need to go to the Zena," Agent 34 told Ismara blantently.

"But why?" She asked.

"That last gem," He answered quickly. "If we get it before Braunick does, then he can't reach his ultimate form, and once that happens everything is possible,"

Ismara's head popped up when he said "That last gem". "34, I might know where that last gem is," She said, a smile streatching across her face. "Before–before my dad died, he sent a message to me and I think it's a clue to where the gem is,"

"What is it?" Agent 34 asked quickly, sitting at the edge of his seat and leaning forwards.

"All he said was," Ismara stuttered for a minute, remembering her father's last words and her excitement leaving her voice quickly. "T-the Ar'gaul with the crippled leg,"

Agent 34's eyebrow raised, head cocked to the side slightly. "What?"

"The Ar'gual with the crippled leg," She repeated. "That was all he said. Maybe that Ar'gaul is here with the other Ar'guals?"

"Should we tell Thad?" Agent 34 asked.

"Nah," Ismara said, standing out of her seat. "The Ar'guals have been off working on a survival shelter somewhere on the island. I'm sure Barjual or Paöminar knows where it is,"

"Okay, I guess," Agent 34 said, following his friend out of her room.

~ ~ ~

"I don't think it's wise to not inform Thad of this," Barjual stated.

"It'll be fine," Ismara insisted. "If anything he will be proud of us!"

Barjual shifted slightly before lowering himself so the pair could climb aboard. "Very well. I will take you to the Ar'guals if you please," The elves climbed onto the black dragon's back, positioning themselves between the grey spikes pointing out of his scale-covered back.

Barjual took off and flew for a bit over the island, then began to descend towards the clearing where Venon had stayed during his trip here. Some trees had been cleared from the mass jungles of the island, many logs stacked up and scattered around the island. Half of a structure seemed to be built, a few holes in it, presumably for windows. Many Ar'guals were walking around the field, working on the structure intensely with whatever materials they had.

The dragon landed slowly, making sure the creatures were not underneath him before his claws touched the grass. Agent 34 and Ismara lowered themselves off the dragon, thanking him as they left.

"Ah, Agent 34!" An Ar'gual called to them. A bigger one came towards them from where he stood, which was the structure. "How's it going?"

Agent 34 and Ismara indentified the Ar'gual as the Head in Command of the species, Lord Grari. The Ar'gual approached them, a bright smile of his face. "I haven't seen you two since we docked here! Fire still sparking between you two?" The Ar'gual smiled, elbowing Agent 34 playfully.

"Wha–What?" Agent 34 stuttered, Ismara going red.

"Nevermind, why don't I show you what we have been working on?" Grari stated grabbing them both by the arm and pulling them towards their construction site.

The Ar'gual showed them around, but there really wasn't much to show. Their base was still in the works and looked great so far. There were delicate designs carved into the wood of the frame, all the doors and windows made room for beforehand. It looked like it had been thought of heavily beforehand.

"Well," Grari stated after the tour. "Like it?"

"It's great!" Agent 34 said with a smile. "But that's not why we are here,"

Lord Grari shifted his head a little, nodded slowly. "Then why are you here?"

"We have a lead on the last gem," Ismara whispered slowly, trying not to let any of the other Ar'guals hear.

"That's great!" The Ar'gual said.

"We need to ask you something, however," Agent 34 said.

"Do you know anything of an Ar'gual with a crippled leg?" Ismara asked.

Grari's smile faded, looking away for a little. "The Ar'gual with the crippled leg?" He asked, Ismara and Agent 34 nodded. "I know who that is, all of us know of that Ar'gual. However, he isn't here,"

Before the elves could ask why, their question was answered. "His name is Grime. He's a veteran Ar'gual and one of the oldest ones left. No, let me restate that. He is the oldest one left. He insisted on staying at our old village and waved goodbye to us as we sailed away,"

"So he's back at your old base?" Ismara asked.

"Indeed," The Ar'gual confirmed. "One of the few that stated. He said his time to go was soon and he would do it in private,"

"Then we must go to your old residence to find that gem," Ismara turned on her heel and began to stomp away, confidence burning in her eye.

"Why do you need you find Grime, anyways?" the Ar'gual asked Agent 34 as Ismara stormed into the jungle.

"Uh, her dad had the last gem and before he died he told her something about an Ar'gual with a crippled leg via the mind. Anyways, I gotta go," Agent 34 said quickly as he followed his friend into the jungle.

Grari chuckled to himself as he saw the pair running through the jungle and back to the shore. "Heh-heh. Young love," And he turned and continued to work on the base.

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