Chapter 1 | The Rebellion

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The ship came to a stop as the bottom of it slid up against the sand of the island. Everybody jumped over the sides, landing in the water and the sand, glad to be off the boat after a days travel on that boat.

Finally, they had arrived at the Island of Death. Agent 34 plopped onto the island, stretching his legs and arms. He looked up and saw the ominous volcano that loomed over the island, forever a threat to everyone who lived here. But as far as he knew, no one lived here, and that was about the change.

"Listen up everyone," Thad said, quickly regaining order. "This isn't over. There still is a fight even if we aren't fighting physically. This will be the base for now, the place of solitude where Braunick can't get to. We need to construct something that makes people feel welcome, because I hope to get back to the mainland as soon as possible and get some survivors,"

"Why the rush?" Sercon asked.

"Because if we don't get them soon," Thad explained. He looked up over the giant black cloud that hovered over Renya that sat very faintly in the water in the distance. "that storm will. By the way, did anyone find a weakness?"

Agent 34 looked up at Thad, a lightbulb turning on in his head. "Water," he said.

"What?" Sercon asked, looking around at the island.

"Water," he said again, this time with more emotion. "The weakness is water! I saw the cloud begin to be destroyed by a tiny drop of water before Braunick quickly got rid of it,"

"And how did you discover this?" Vrängr called from over by the trees. He stood under one, trying to stay out of the hot sun.

"Braunick attacked me with fire," Agent 34 explained. "Some got on the cloud, but it didn't spread. He used the gems to conjure up water and splashed it on the fire, putting it out and also creating a slight hole in the cloud,"

"That does make a little sense," Thad placed a finger under his chin.

"Are you serious?" Sercon yelped, stepping closer to Thad. "You believe this? How is water a weakness for a literal cloud! Clouds are made from water!"

"That's where you're wrong," Ismara said, walking up to Agent 34 and placing a hand on his shoulder. "This isn't a normal cloud, it's Braunick's. Who knows what he put in that cloud?"

"It does make sense though," Thad said, pacing back and forth. "That must be the reason why the storm won't cover the seas, it's weakness might actually be water, the last thing you'd think it is,"

"This is ridiculous," Sercon threw his arms in the air and began walking towards the jungle of the island.

"Where are you going?" Arenia asked, starting after him.

"To actually do something for this team and find food! Or water! Or shelter! Just something to be productive!" The human threw his hands above him again in frustration. He thought the water idea was stupid and refused to believe it was the answer.

"Ahem," Thad said, directing everyone's attention from Sercon. "First order of action: find a good place for home base. Agent 34, Ismara, and Paöminar, please go and scout the area from sky. Vrängr, Arenia, and Barjual will follow. One group gets half the island, the other gets the other half. Me, Marque, and the Ar'guals will head after Sercon and get food and water,"

Everyone nodded, going to their designated groups ordered by Thad. Agent 34 climbed aboard Paöminar, a dragon he had despised since the day he met him. The dragon seemed to be fueled by evil, driven by it to do all those terrible things to such innocent people.

However, he ignored it. He task wasn't to chew out the dragon for not being a nice person, but to be his friend and work together to take down Braunick. He could chew him out after that.

Ismara jumped onto the dragon and sat behind Agent 34, wrapping her arms around him. Agent 34 said nothing to her, only flashed a smile back to her. "We're ready when you are," he said to the dragon.

Paöminar nodded, taking off from the ground with force. Soon, they were in the sky high above the Island of Death, and for once in a very long time, the elf felt free. He felt like a normal person, not someone who was destined to save the continent of Renya from his evil twin brother. Agent 34 could put all of his troubles behind himself and just relax for a minute.

But, time wasn't in his favor. Nearly a minute of flying, Paöminar spots something. "I see something," he said. "It's moving, meaning it's alive. It's walking, meaning it isn't a snake. It could make good use for a meal of sorts, want me to scope it out?"

"Sure, why not?" Agent 34 said. "Just fly by, don't land unless it worth it,"

The dragon nodded, flying inwards towards the creature he spotted. Whatever it was didn't seem to be too afraid of the beast flying towards it, or didn't see it. One of the two.

"I can see what it is," The dragon said, a slight worry in his voice. "It's an elf,"

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