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It's just a usual Friday morning I wake up at 05:30, the sun shining through the window, I get washed and dressed before making my way to the kitchen to cook breakfast, I open the door "Morning everyone!" "Morning ma'am." My team and I get cooking, I work on the bacon, cooking for a facility full of Agents and scientists takes a while and a whole lot of food. I exit the kitchen momentarily to unlock the canteen doors, I open them up and about 15 Agents and the odd scientist are standing around waiting, it's only 06:30, but these are the early risers. I hold open the doors as they file in and grab their plates or bowls from the counter, picking their first meal of the day, once they're in I close the doors and go back to the kitchen to continue cooking. By 07:30 the majority of staff have already eaten and are heading off to their stations, a few stragglers, they'll just get the leftovers. The kitchen staff and I grab our own breakfast and get munching.

Once the fiasco of 'the most important meal of the day' is over for the staff, it's time to feed the other hungry mouths in this place, my team each grab a bowl of porridge, a spoon and a glass of milk, behind them I close up the kitchen and lead them to the basement. We descend into the dark, damp basement, I never liked it down here but there's nothing I can do about it. I let my wings protrude through my skin as we stop at the first door, the guard opens the hatch and speaks to the person inside "Up against the wall." As soon as he gives us the all clear he unlocks the door, I take a bowl, spoon and glass from someone and walk into the cell, the first thing I notice is the smell of blood, but I ignore it "Morning!" "Morning Miss." "Here you are." I put everything down on the concrete floor in the centre of the room, I send him a smile, a toothless grin forms on the poor sod's face, I walk back out of the room and hear it lock behind me. We continue walking down the corridor and entering each cell until all of the experiments have been given their food, then pull my wings back in and head upstairs. The guards know that once their food is eaten to place the washing up outside the cell to be collected later on.

I dismiss my team and head to my dad's lab, once I get there I don't bother knocking I just swing the door open "Yoo hoo!" "Ah Angel, how are you this morning?" "Alright, what're you working on today?" I walk over and wrap my arms around him "Something very important, a breakthrough. It'll be big." "Okay... so what is it?" He taps my nose "You'll have to wait and find out." "Seriously!?" "Be patient my dear, for all good things, we must wait." "Whatever, I'm going for a fly, I'll be back to cook lunch!" I call over my shoulder as I make my way back to the door "Have fun." He gives me a little wave before getting back to work, I open the doors to the outside world and breathe in the fresh mountain air as I take a few steps away from the facility.

Once I'm far enough away I stretch out the wings on my back, I run my fingers through the beautiful black feathers, I bend down and take a run at the edge of the cliff just ahead, as I reach the edge I jump and allow the wind the pull me off my feet. The feeling is like no other, once you have wings you never want to lose them, I spend a few hours gliding through the air, occasionally flapping my wings. I keep looking at my watch so I don't lose track of time, when my watch says 10:25 I head back to the facility, I approach the cliff I jumped from and land graceful on my feet. I pull wings in completely and walk back inside, back to the kitchen to cook lunch.

Once my team and I have cooked for the staff, we eat and once again visit the cells, on the way back we take the washing up from breakfast with us, we also collect all he washing up from the staff's breakfast and lunch. Most of the afternoon is spent doing the washing up, with so many people comes a lot of mess, as soon as the plates and cutlery are all clean and put away we begin cooking dinner. The staff eat first, then us, then the experiments but by this time everyone knows the routine, we then take back lunch washing up from the experiments and leave it in the kitchen. About an hour or so later my kitchen staff do the dinner washing up, but I've already done all my work for the day, the evenings are all mine, to do whatever I want.

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