PART 22.

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Director Fury glares at Tony before speaking "I have a mission for you." He looks around at everyone's faces, seeing that some are rather tired and hungover "Or for any of you who feel up to it, accept Angel of course. An alien species of unknown origin have taken ownership of a building in the city, a big industry, they've taken hostages. One of the hostages managed to phone the Police, saying that they were taken hostage and the aliens killed all the security guards, mercilessly. So the Police called for you, who's up for it?"

Just what we need, aliens on a hangover day, at least we have some extra bodies and it's late enough in the day for most of our hangovers to be gone.

After counting up the hands it has been decided that the people for this mission are Steve, Thor, Bucky, Rhodey and myself. Fury tells everyone else to leave the room while we are briefed further, on their way into the kitchen I hear Tony say "Don't worry Rapunzel, you won't be all alone in this tower after all." Once we know everything we need to know we make our way to our destination, as soon as we get there we sneak into the building and take out all aliens in our path.

I'll admit this is reminding me a lot of Die Hard, but instead of Germans they're aliens. Much more exciting.

Rhodey is outside in his suit locating exactly where the hostages and aliens are based. Bucky, Thor and Steve are heading up the stairwell and one stops on at each floor on the way up to take out an aliens before getting back to the stairs and stopping at the next floor. My job is to get in the air vents so I can sneak amongst the hostages, so that I can surprise attack the aliens when the others get to that floor, after clearing all other floors. I crawl silently through the vents, searching for any signs of which way to go, following the directions Rhodey gives me from outside the building, when I arrive at the hostage room I pull back so I can't be heard and speak through my earpiece "Alright, I'm in the air vent at the room with the hostages." Steve responds "What does it look like from up there?" I look down on the room.

Like a bunch of terrified rich men huddling like penguins in the cold.

"I've got a clear exit route to then sneak amongst them." "Do it." I carefully and silently push the gate off the vent and pull it inside with me, I then slowly lower myself from the vent, still keeping an eye on the people around me, making sure no one sees me. Once I'm down I manage to sneak behind a desk and use the furniture in the office to slowly creep towards the 4 aliens standing guard. They somewhat represent a squid, with long tentacles, but they don't need water, they don't seem to be holding any weapons.

How do they attack? With the tentacles? With energy like Tony? That could be an issue.

After a few minutes I hear Steve in my ear again "The only aliens left are with the hostages, how many are there Rhodey?" "4 bogies." "Alright, we're at the stairwell door, as soon as Nat is ready we can burst through and attack, we'll each take one. Rhodey, what are their locations?" "One facing the elevator on your left, two on far sides of the room facing the elevator, hostages behind them, the last one standing in between them facing hostages." "Who's Nat closest to?" "Farthest from you." "Perfect, Nat as soon as I say 3, attack. Give Rhodey a thumbs up if you're ready." "She's good. I'll head to the entrance" "Alright, 1... 2..." The door is kicked off its hinges "3!"

Take that, squid!

The fight begins, we shout to the hostages "Get to the entrance of the building! Go!" After a few minutes the aliens are dead, the 4 of us get in the elevator, as we step out we see all the hostages are in the reception of the building being calmed down by a Police Officer, Rhodey standing amongst them. We approach him, after a few thank you's from hostages and Police we head back to the Avengers Tower, the elevator doors open to the living room, but it's empty "FRIDAY where is everyone?" "Training room." We get back in the elevator and stop at the training rooms, we find them in the same one Angel showed off her skills in, as we walk in Rhodey's eyes go wide "No wonder she's called Angel."

Apparently while we were kicking ass these lot, even Fury, were watching Angel fly around. Totally not fair, but I guess we all had fun in the end.

Tony waves us over “We've been testing her, the Pirate shot some bullets at her, Legolas shot a couple arrows at her and I got to show her what my suit can do.” Angel approaches us while glaring at Tony “Yeah, not a fan of the robot anymore.” “Come on! I didn't know energy was your weakness.” “If an object hits my wings it bounces off, but energy isn't an object.” “Sorry…”

Oh boy.

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