PART 32.

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As we all eat dinner Angel finishes explaining last night “He was trying to convince me to rejoin him and to bring the Winter Soldier with me. But I'm not going back to him, I trusted him and he lied to me. Trust isn't easily earnt and it's a lot tougher to regain from me of you lose it. “ Fury asks a question “Do you know anything about where he's staying or anything? When the Avengers took on the base quite a few people escaped, we were assuming he was amongst them.” “I don't know where he is, but I do know he's coming back, he said he'd be in contact again and you'll wanna watch out because he knows the Winter Soldier's words.” “Barnes, I'm moving you and Rogers elsewhere, I'm not risking it, you're going away until we can end this. Anything else you can tell us?” “I can tell you who he is. Who I am.” That grabs his attention.

Wait, they don't even know who they are yet? Well, she did say she doesn't easily trust.

“My dad's name is Douglas Wright and I'm Angel Wright.” “That's helpful, thank you.” She nods and collects the washing up, I help her and head to the kitchen with her “Need a hand?” “Sure.” After working together we head into the living room where everyone else is, they're saying goodbye to Steve and Bucky who are packed and heading elsewhere. When they head over to us Bucky doesn't look to be in a good mood, he doesn't speak but Steve does “I hope everything goes alright, Angel, if you get into any trouble let Sam know.” She nods “Will do. Be safe.” “You too.” They head off and Angel faces me “Let's go to the training room or something.” I smile “I do have my wings.” Her eyes light up “You do!?” “Yeah, come on.” I don't even think twice about grabbing her hand as we head for the elevator, it's not until I see Tony smirking and I look down that I notice, but then the doors close.

Has he figured it out already? Man, he's good.

We head to the training room and I pull out my pack, I put it on and she walks round to the back of me, I let the wings out and she observes them “These are pretty cool, they're so much better than my starter wings.” “Really?” “Yeah.” “But your real wings are far better.” She smirks “Yeah, yeah they are. They're waterproof.” “So are mine.” “Bulletproof.” “Same here.” “Okay, let's have a competition then, see who's wings are better.” She lets her wings out “Mine win by size.” She's right they are much bigger, she then stretches them out and they're wider too “Sure, you win in that category.” I walk behind her and gently run my fingers along her feathers “But how about-” I'm cut of by a giggle and her stepping away “What you giggling about?” “That tickled.” I smirk “Oh, did it?”

I can some fun with this then.

“That's another thing with them, they're actually more sensitive than my skin.” I drop my smirk “Wait, so that means even though they're bulletproof if they were to get shot at it would hurt worse than actually being shot?” “Yeah…?” “That's really unfair.” “Everything has its limits, that's the limit of my wings.” “Well, good thing I'm not a bullet.” She looks over her shoulder at me with a confused expression “What do you- ah!” I tickle her with one hand and hold her still with the other, she tries to talk through giggles “Let- Go!”

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