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I woke up early, struggling to sleep again, so I headed to the lab.

I wonder what we're going to do about Angel, she seems honest enough but she's been working for HYDRA, okay she's been cooking and keeping the prisoners company which isn't exactly the HYDRA way. But she thinks we're the bad guys, her dad taught her his lies, Metallica thinks she's good, but I don't know what to think.

After a while FRIDAY alerts me "Sir, you told me to tell you when your guest wakes up, she's up now." I look at my watch "It's only 5:45, are you sure she's not just sleepwalking or something?" The video feed from her room displays her pacing the bedroom, she didn't get changed into the pajamas we offered her, still in the clothes from yesterday. Her wings are out, the tips dragging on the floor, standing as tall as she is, which is tall for female. I put down my tools and walk to her room, I hesitate but knock, I hear a voice from inside "Yes?" I unlock the door and step in, closing it behind me "You're up early." "Not really, I'm usually up earlier than this, had a bit of a lay in."

She's normally awake earlier?

She answers my thoughts without me asking the question "It takes a long time to cook breakfast for a whole facility of scientists, soldiers and experiments, even with my team." "Well you don't have to worry about that, so go back to sleep." “It's not that simple, it's my schedule. I can't change the way I've lived my life since I was 16." "How old are you now?" "27." "Right. I-" "I assume you won't let me move back into the facility?" "No, definitely not." "Well can someone go back and get my stuff then, even if I'm going to jail I'd rather have my stuff until then, if I can. Top floor of the facility, 3rd door on the left from the elevator, the code is 594. My bedroom, please." I pull a pen out of my pocket and scribble the instructions on my hand "Okay, I'll send some people to get your stuff." "Thank you." "Breakfast is at 7am." I walk out of the room and back to the lab, leaving the door to the guest room unlocked.

I wonder if she'll try to escape, I need to test her.

I head back to the lab and write the instructions down on paper, I also make a note to myself to give it to Nat "FRIDAY let me know if she leaves that room." "Sir, she's already gone." "What!? Why didn't you say something!?" "You hadn't told me to yet." "Where is she?" "On the roof Sir." I get in the elevator and make my way to the roof, I step out into the cool morning air, the wind in my hair, the sun rising over the city, I glance around but can't see Angel. I hear a voice in the wind "You don't trust me." I look around, but I still can't see her "Of course not, first chance to leave and you do." "I needed the fresh air, this is a lot for me to take in. My dad always told me it was all for the greater good of the planet, that we were doing the right thing, I thought even if we aren't at least I could help the experiments, in any way I possible. He told me you’re the enemy, that the Avengers aren't to be trusted, I'm conflicted."

I guess that is a big change, we need to give her a chance.

"The experiments spoke kindly of you, you really did help them." I hear a flutter of wings behind me as I turn I take in the sight, her wings are stretched out, with the sun behind her I can't see her face very easily, but as I step closer I can see a smile on her face and a tear rolling down her cheek "Thank you." "For what?" "Just, thank you." "Why don't you come back inside." She pulls in her wings slightly and follows me back into the tower, I take her to the kitchen.

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