PART 17.

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I wake up to the sun streaming through the window, I look at the clock next to my bed 06:13, so I push back the quilt and head to the kitchen to make everyone breakfast. When I get to the kitchen there are carrier bags on the island, I'm about to look inside when I hear Steve's voice "Good, you're up." "I'm actually rather late, what's with all the shopping?" "We went to the store to get some ingredients and tools to bake a cake." "Ooh! Can I make it?" "I was hoping you'd offer, I don't know how to bake a cake." Soldat walks in behind him, he nods his head to me, we take everything out of the bags "Wait. What's the occasion?" "Stark's birthday."

I could make an Iron Man cake!

"Would you be able to go back to the store?" "Really?" Soldat whines "I need red and gold icing, they're his colours." Steve picks up an empty carrier bag and stuffs it in his pocket "I'll go, you start baking the cake." "Thanks." As Steve leaves I gesture for Soldat to sit on a stool, I pull a band off my wrist and tie his hair up "Ow!" "Stop fidgeting!" Once his hair is in a man bun I put mine in a bun and we wash our hands. Soldat and I get busy, he measures everything out to my order, while I mix everything together. We make two cakes, one slightly bigger than the other, Soldat and I end up have a mini flour fight when he pours too much into the measuring jug.

Luckily we didn't get any in our hair, but there's plenty on our clothes, oh well.

When they are only a few minutes away from being slipped in the oven Steve walks back in "Oh my." He takes a look at our appearances and smirks, I hit him playfully on the arm and finish what I'm doing while the guys tidy up around me. The cakes get cooking while Soldat and I go to our rooms and take a shower, leaving Steve to finish cleaning up and to keep an eye on the cakes. As soon as I'm clean I get into a dark purple dress, it's lacy and tight fitting, but from the waist to my knees it flows gracefully, I put on some silver jewelry and silver high heels.

Perhaps I'll be taller than the super soldiers now, one can dream.

I put on some very simple makeup and tie my hair into a neater bun, I head back to the elevator and into the kitchen. Once back in the kitchen I see it's clean, all the tools and icing are laid out ready to be used. I wait for the cake to be done, it doesn't take much longer. Just as I'm pulling it out Soldat walks back in, his hair still in the cute man bun, I notice him look me up and down, but I don't confront him. We leave the cakes to cool for a little bit, meanwhile we talk, Steve starts "Do you have any idea for what to make the cake look like?" "Yep." "Well?" "You'll have to wait and see. I assume he doesn't know we're doing this?" "No, it's a surprise, he's been so busy lately that he probably forgot about it being his birthday, so I called a few friends to come here and party with us."

Kind of reminds me of me, I forget my birthday all the time... Hang on a second it's May, isn't it?

"What's the date today?" "May 29th."

Holy shit! It's my birthday today too! I'm so used to my dad reminding me. I'm not going to say anything though, I don't want to ruin the robot's party.

"Alright, I think we can get start now, do you two want to ice?" They shrug, after showing them how to do it they both take a cake and cover it with a layer of red icing. As they ice I start making waffles for everyone for breakfast, Steve finishes first so I start drawing stars around the outside with the gold icing, I hear the door open behind me, Steve speaks "Oh yeah, I set everyone's alarms for 07:30, apart from Stark." Thor sits at the island "A cake?" "Stark's birthday."

I have an idea.

"Thor, would you be able to count out the right amount of candles please?" "Of course Lady Angel." Steve walks over to him with the candles and lets him know how many are needed, while I continue adding stars. Once I'm done with the top half I move onto the one Soldat did, I do the same decoration, I then carefully pick up the top half and place it on top of the larger one. "Ta da! Just needs the candles."

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