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I head down to the basement at about 07:00 each day, in order of meals being served is the order I visit the experiments. One by one I enter their cell, sit on the cold hard floor and talk, if they don't want to talk we train or play card games. I spend half an hour with each of them, I have to put my wings away when sitting, because they don't bend that way. I've been doing the visits I was 19 or 20, when I was first introduced to the experiments living below us, I had no idea they were down here, my dad thought it might frighten me, so he waited. I then only gave them their meals, but one day I stayed, for a little while.

I headed down the stairs to the basement, the guards looked up, one of them asked me "What're you doing here Ma'am?" "I'm not quite sure. Do you mind if I talk to one of the experiments?" "Well sure, don't see why you'd want to, but it's fine. Anyone in particular?" I think back to the teenage girl I gave dinner to today, apparently she was quite new here "How about the young female?" He points to a different guard, as I approach he looks through the hatch "Up against the wall." He unlocks the door, just as I'm about to step in he whispers something in my ear "When you want to get out knock 3 times on the door, if you aren't out in 30 minutes I'll check up on you." "Thank you." I step in, the door is locked behind me, I walk over to the rather scared looking girl, I stand in the centre of the room, not too close just incase I frighten her "Hello, my name is Angel." I give her a little smile, she takes a step away from the wall "Alice." "It's nice to meet you, do you want to talk?" "What about?" "Anything really, I just thought... maybe you could do with some company, you know, with another girl." She gives me a little smile as she sits in the floor, I pull in my wings and join her on the floor crossing my legs, we talk for a little while about nothing in particular then I pull out a deck of cards from my pocket "Do you know any card games we could play?" "I know go fish." I shuffle the deck and dish out the cards, we hold them up and the game begins, after a few rounds I hear the hatch open, I turn my head towards the door "Ma'am?" "Yes, I'm coming." I gather the cards, I give her a smile and head for the door, before I reach it the girl speaks in a quiet voice "Can we- can we do this again, maybe?" "Sure, I'd like that, goodnight." The guard motions for her to stand against the wall, as she does the door is unlocked and I leave. A few days later I visited again, along with a few other experiments from time to time.

After seeing all the experiments I would head to my room, put on a CD, or read a book. I remember before I started living here I had a phone, a laptop, a TV, but I'm not allowed any of that here, I guess the 20th century is in the past now. It doesn't bother me too much, I have plenty of cooking to keep my occupied, dad always told me "The news is a lie, they try to force opinions on you, never trust someone behind a camera." I don't know what's going on out in the world, but I don't feel like I really need to know. Once I'm tired enough I take a shower and go to bed, ready to wake up and repeat the endless routine which is my life.

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