PART 30.

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I picked out some fluffy socks, sweatpants and jumper, I put them by the door for her to change  into. When the bathroom door opens Angel steps into the room in just a towel, it only reaches down to mid thigh, I avert my eyes as she bends down to pick up the clothes “Thank you.” I look over and give her a smile “You're welcome.” She heads back into the bathroom.

What am I doing? What reason has she got to trust me over Bucky? I just want to see her smile again, she's beautiful when she smiles.

I feel the spot on the bed just beside me move, I look left and come face to face with Angel, her nose just a few inches from my own. For a moment neither of us move or say anything, she eventually breaks the silence “Do you trust me?” I smile “Depends on what you're going to do?” “I mean in general.” “Yeah.” “How?” “You're kind, funny, as far as I can tell you haven't lied to me and you haven't given me any reason not to trust you.” “You barely know me.” “Then let's get to know each other, I'd really like that. From what I've already noticed, you're pretty awesome. Do you trust me?” An almost unnoticeable smile appears on her lips “Depends on what you're going to do.” I laugh.

Using my own words against me again. No one else can get away with that.

I smirk “I mean in general.” I look down at her lips again as she bites down probably to stop herself from laughing, when I look back at her eyes I notice she's already looking into mine “I think so. Yeah, I think I do.” “Who else do you trust?” “Possibly… Tony.” “Just him?”

Looks like Bucky's lost her trust.

“I haven't really spoken to anyone else apart from Clint and I'm not so sure about him.” I nod “Alright. Maybe getting to know everyone would be a good idea.” She grabs my hand “Maybe I'll just start with you, if you're up for it.” “You bet.” “Can we start now?” “Sounds good to me.” We lay down on the bed and take it in turns to ask questions about each other, I feel my phone buzz, but I ignore it.

After getting to know each other for a while there's a knock at the door, I sit up “Angel, you want me to get that?” “If you don't mind.” I get off the bed and approach the door, kicking my shoes out of my way, I open the door to reveal Steve and Bucky “You alright?” Bucky nods “I want to apologise to Angel.” I look over my shoulder, she's still laying on her bed, spread out like a rug “Wait just a sec.” I close the door and walk over to Angel, I look down at her “Bucky's here, wants to say sorry. Do you want him in here?” She think about it for a moment “Only if you stay.” “I'll stay.” I reopen the door and hold it open, they both walk in, Steve waits behind the door, I sit leaning against the headboard. Angel sits up and moves so she's leaning against my arched legs, Bucky cautiously approaches and stands at the end of the bed.

This is so damn awkward, but she wants me here so I'm not leaving.

“I didn't mean to yell at you, it's just a touchy subject.” She's looking down and doesn't reply, but he continues “HYDRA they, well, they might not be like what you've been taught they are. I'm from world war 2, I was taken hostage by HYDRA back then, they experimented on me, without my permission.” He takes a deep breath, making sure to stay calm “I was rescued by Steve, we started working together, one mission I fell of a train. I lost my arm but what HYDRA had done to me saved my life, I survived the fall and they took me once again. They erased my memories so I wouldn't fight back, because I had nothing to fight for, they trained me. They then brainwashed me into the Winter Soldier, there's a set of words-” Her head shoots up at the mention of words.

Why is that something she recognises? Please tell me they haven't used words on her.

“-I become a merciless killer, with absolutely no control over myself if they say those 10 words.” She mumbles a response “It's actually 11.” “What did you just say.” She speaks a little louder “It's not 10 words, it's 11, freight car is technically 2 words.” Bucky's eyes widen, he takes a step back “How do you know the words?” “My dad told me them.” He turns angry again “When did tell you!? When he shut down FRIDAY and visited you last night!? Are you planning on turning me!?”

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