PART 31.

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“Buck!” “No Steve, this is important! Are you planning on turning me!?”

Dad told me the words would break him from the trance the Avengers have him under, but I don't think there is anything. Sam seems like a really lovely person, he isn't the sort of person to work for the people dad explained the Avengers as, I trust Sam.

“No, I have no reason to.” “Were you considering it!?” “Buck, leave it. She said she won't use them, we have to trust her.” “Yeah, well, I don't trust her anymore.” I look up and meet his eyes “I thought I could, but no, HYDRA's changed her since I last knew her and even then she may have fed and talked to the prisoners, but that's all she did. She could've done more, she could've put a stop to it all, but that thought probably didn't even cross her mind.” My back support moves, but I manage to catch myself as Sam speed-crawls to the end of the bed, he gets off standing between Soldat and I “You say that again.” “And what? Are you going to protect her? She's HYDRA! I knew you were an idiot, but this much of an idiot, it's surprising me.”

You fucking bastard!

I jump off the bed, my wings immediately grow as I stand between the two men, my wings almost pressed up against Sam as I glare up at Soldat “You fucking say that again!” Steve stands beside us, he lays a hand on our shoulders “Guys, settle down, fighting will get you nowhere. This isn't going to be as easy as we thought, but we'll figure this out.” Soldat turns to his friend “Figure this out? She's HYDRA! What's there to figure out!?” Sam speaks up from behind me “Dude, don't have a go at Steve.” Steve silently points to the door, Soldat marches out, Steve sends us an apologetic look as he follows him out an closes the door on his way out.

What an arse! I don't believe I ever had feelings for someone like him!

“Angel.” My wings disappear and spin round, coming face to face with Sam once again “Thanks for sticking up for me.” “I couldn't let him say such a thing about you, you're no idiot. You're…

Everything I've ever dreamed of… Wait, this feels like when I first fell for Soldat, but stronger, do I like him? You know what, I think I do. I think I really do.

He smirks “How you going to finish that sentence?” “Huh?” He chuckles “You said I'm not an idiot-” “Definitely not!” “So what am I?” I look him in the eye and ignore the burning in my cheeks “Perfect.” He scoffs and looks down “Thanks.” “I mean it.” He looks back up “You're hilarious, charming, comforting, persistent, stick up for others, confident, cheeky-” He cuts me off with a kiss, I close my eyes, grip his arms and melt into the kiss. His arms slip around my waist and he pulls me as close to his as I can possibly be as he deepens the kiss. We pull away for air, both waiting for the other to say something, we end up speaking at the same time “Now that was a kiss.” “I really like you.” He smiles “Good, because it would be awkward if you didn't.” We both laugh, then there's a knock at the door “I'll get it this time, sit down.” He sits and I head to the door, I open it to reveal Tony, smiling “Hey Rapunzel.” “Don't call me that.” He drops his smile “Alright, Princess?” I shake my head “Angel it is. So, Angel, sorry to ask for this, but we need to the truth of what happened last night.”

Might as well tell them. I know who I trust now.

“Okay.” “It's just because- You said okay?” “Yeah. I know who's side I'm on.” “That's ours, right?” “Yeah.” “Cool. Okay, you coming?” I involuntarily yawn “Oh wait, you haven't actually slept yet, have you?” “You haven't slept?” A concerned Sam walks over.

They've kept him out of the loop? How rude.

“Oh, hey Birdie, didn't realise you were still here.” “Yeah, well I'm going to leave now so Angel can get some sleep.” Tony nods “Once you're awake head to the living room and we'll talk, the Pirate will stay as long as he needs to, whether he wants to or not.” He leaves and Sam steps out of the room “Get some rest, I'll see you in a bit.” I nod and shut the door, I head to bed and fall asleep instantly.

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