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He told us to stay out of it, but they're fighting, I want to jump in and help, but he said not to. Who's side is she on?

My team and I just stand there watching, I can't pull my eyes away from the fight taking place in front of me.

They're both incredible fighters, I've fought Buck first hand, but she's not what I expected. She uses her wings to help her agility and speed, counteracting Buck’s strength.

She kicks him in the face forcing him to the floor, he grabs her leg and pulls her down on top of him, for a moment the only thing I can hear is their heavy breathing. Then the most unexpected thing happens, the pair burst into laughter. She buries her face in his chest as they laugh like mad men, her wings sink into her back.

What just happened?

I look to my team, to see they look just as confused as I feel, we all take a few steps forwards. Fury interrupts their laughter by clearing his throat. They immediately stop and look up at us, now standing just a few metres away. Their smiles vanish and they look back at each other, Buck puts is hands on Angel's waist and pushes her into a standing position. She then grabs his arm and helps him up, standing side by side, with Buck only a few inches taller. They both awkwardly look to the ground.

Really? Now they get shy about it?

Fury speaks "It seems you two know each other." Stark sniggers "It seems they more than know each other." Buck looks up and glares at him, he then looks to me while he explains "Angel and I met a few years ago when I was transferred to the facility she lived at, I was there for a couple years before being relocated again. She'd give me my meals, train with me. She'd come to my cell in the evenings, we'd play card games and talk." A smile forms on his lips as he looks to his left at Angel, who's blushing and still looking at her feet.

That's sweet, she was there for him at a time no one else was, I guess she really did help the prisoners. We shouldn't have judged her so quickly, she's a good person or at least it seems that way now.

Fury asks a question "What was that fight all about? I thought you were going to kill each other." They start chuckling, they respond at the same time, with the same answer "Instinct." They look at each other, Angel explains "My wings kind of have a mind of their own when they think there's  a threat, since we haven't seen each other in so long I had to figure out firstly if he was the Winter Soldier or my Soldat and secondly if he even remembered me or not."

Her Soldat?

He turns fully towards her "How could I forget you, you kept me going in that place, kept the Winter Soldier from being in control the entire time. As soon as I stepped out of the elevator and heard the name Angel, it immediately rang a bell, I just had to fit the pieces together. I'm glad I managed to, otherwise I would’ve probably killed you." "You couldn't have killed me if you’d tried." She folds her arms across her chest, in one swift movement her wings reappear and stretch out, Buck raises an eyebrow at her.

These two are perfect for each other, they really are.

Tony speaks "So how long have you two been dating? Minus the missing years, of course?" Their smiles drop, Angel's wings relax and pull in slightly, they speak at the same time but I manage to make out what each of them say, Buck says "We're not a couple, w-we didn't..." Angel says "Oh, we never..." The embarrassed pair look at each other with wide eyes and each take a few steps backwards before once again looking at their feet.

Well this is awkward, well done Stark!

I send Stark a glare, he just smiles mischievously "You're telling me, after fighting like that and the way you were laying there on top of each other laughing was nothing? Should we all just ignore the sexual tension in the room?" I can't keep my thoughts to myself any longer "Seriously Stark!?" "What? It's the first thing all of you thought, that fight was so intimate, they were loving it!" I sigh and place a hand to my head.

Why can't he keep his thoughts to himself!?

I hear quiet laughing, as I look up I see it's Buck and Angel, Buck is biting down on his bottom lip to quieten himself, Angel has a hand over her mouth. But when they both look up and see the state of each other they lose the battle, the laughter wins.

I don't know what to do? Do I laugh or just stay silent?

They settle down after a few seconds, Angel takes a deep breath and looks to Fury "I assume you have more questions, that don't involve Soldat and I." He nods, she follows him back over to the couches, making her wings disappear once again, Fury speaks "Why don't you go into the kitchen and wait Stark." It wasn't a question, it was an order. He wonders into the kitchen where Thor and Dr Banner are, Buck follows him. I join the rest on the couches, where we continue asking Angel questions.

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