PART 16.

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About an hour after dinner Sam heads home, Dr Banner and Thor stop by each of our rooms to grab our toothbrushes and pajamas, we all take turns using the nearest restroom to get ready for bed. Once we're all ready we slip into our beds in the infirmary and attempt to sleep through Stark's snoring. I sit up in bed and glance around, the only other people asleep are Buck and Angel. I look to the others who are glaring at Stark.

If looks could burn he would have a whole in his sheets.

Nat picks up her pillow and creeps over to his bed, she gestures for us to copy, we all hold our pillows above our heads, she whispers "On the count of three. One... Two... Three!" We all smash our pillows down onto Stark who wakes up with a start "Ahh! What the hell!?" "Stop snoring! We're trying to sleep in here!" He yawns and glances around the room "Looks like Rapunzel and Eugene are sleeping just fine."

Who did he just refer to Bucky as?

Stark yawns, he sleepily grabs his pillow and trudges out of the infirmary "I'll be in my bedroom then." The rest of us get back in bed, I fall asleep rather quickly.

The next morning I wake up to the sound of footsteps, I look towards the door to see Angel sneaking out of the infirmary, I quietly get out of bed and follow her. When she goes to close the door behind her she notices me and waits for me to catch up, we silent shut the door and walk to the elevator "Morning, how's your body feeling?" "I'll live, is there any point in asking how you're healing up?" "Being a super soldier helps." I give her a smile, which she returns, I press the button to open the elevator doors, the sight we see is not what we expected, we look at the body, at each other and begin quietly laughing.

It seems Stark was too tired to make it to his room.

Stark's body is curled up on the floor of the elevator, pillow under his head and once again snoring. We step in and head to the kitchen, leaving Stark where he is. We dig through the cabinets to see what to make for breakfast "What should we have?" She thinks for a minute "How about bacon and eggs?" "Okay, but I have to warn you, I'm not great at cooking." I expected her to tell me to just leave it to her, but instead she said "I'll show you how." We work together to get breakfast ready, a while later the food is almost done as the rest of the residents groggily wander into the kitchen, throwing themselves at the stools around the island, even Stark is awake now.

I would have loved to have seen their reactions when they found Stark, Nat probably beat him with his pillow

We eat and talk, Angel and Barton do the washing up, then everyone heads to their own rooms to get ready for the day to begin. We all meet back in the living room half an hour after breakfast, we don't have anything in particular to do today so we decide to watch a film, Stark stands in front of us all "Alright, we need to vote, so any requests?" Nat says "All the Harry Potter's." Barton says "All of the Die Hard's." Dr Banner says "What about How to kill a mockingbird?" The rest of us vote, so we end up sitting there watching all the Die Hard films. Buck, Angel and Nat sitting on the floor with cushions, the rest of us squeezed onto the couch behind.

We begin watching at about 07:30 and don't finish until gone 21:00, the films take about 10 hours in total, but we had to take bathroom breaks and eat. Buck, Angel and Barton make sandwiches for lunch, since three of them worked together it didn't take as long. Then for dinner Stark, Dr Banner and Angel cooked roast chicken, with a variety of vegetables. Once the films were finished we all wandered straight to bed, this time we all made it the whole way before falling asleep.

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