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The Director gives us a mission, a HYDRA facility to take on, when we arrive we storm into the facility weapons at the ready, Thor, Cap and myself search for the prisoners while the others subdue all the scientist, Agents and whoever else they can find, they'll then be collected by our Agents later. We make our way through the corridors, I notice a door labelled 'Level 8 and above access.'

We'd better check in there then, probably our best bet.

I nudge Cap and point at it, he nods to me and we break down the door. The door opens into a corridor, dark and cold, unlike the rest of the building, we walk in and march down a set of stairs, into another corridor, filled with guards. They aim their weapons at us and all hell breaks loose, I shoot as many guards as I can and kick one in the head since he got too close, once all the guards are down Cap speaks "Let's see what they were guarding, shall we?" We approach the first door and open up a hatch, inside I see two people, they seem to be playing a card game, the room is dark so I can't see them properly. We unlock the door and open it up, the two figures turn towards the door, a commanding yet feminine voice speaks "I'm not finished in here. What do you want?" She then stands and steps partially into the light "You aren't guards.” I hear a sound, like wind blowing and I feel a slight breeze for a moment, then it's gone “Who are you?" Cap responds "We're the Avengers, we're here to rescue you all." "Rescue!? What do you mean rescue!?"

Why does she sound so shocked? Perhaps she volunteered.

I take a better look at her, the light is cast over half her face and the front of her body, she’s clean, wearing a pair of red jeans and a black crop top, with black boots, surrounded by shadow.

She doesn't look like a prisoner at all.

Cap interrupts my thoughts "Come on, we're here to help." He reaches out a hand for her, the other figure in the room speaks, but when I look into the darkness I can't see him anymore "Angel, are they safe?" She speaks in a gentler voice "I don't know, from what my dad told me about them, I don't trust them." I speak "We don't have time to stand around chatting, you're coming with us whether you want to or not, now move!" She glares at me before taking a step forward "What will you do to the experiments?" As she steps forward I notice two black wings, which were blocking the view behind her, they are the same height as her, the tips dragging slightly along the ground "As long as you don't resist you'll be fine." I turn to my left, I notice Thor and Cap have already begun retrieving the others. The prisoners start walking along the corridor towards me, heading for the stairs, the winged woman lets the man walk past her and stops in front of me, he speaks quietly but clearly "Don't punish Angel, she's only been trying to help." "What do you mean?" "She visits us all everyday, brings us our food. She's not a bad person, she's not."

She works for them, she's HYDRA?

I gesture for him to follow the others, as they all leave the room with Cap and Thor, I turn back to the winged woman "Follow me." She does, once we walk out of the facility all the Agents we ordered are taking the experiments and unconscious HYDRA members. The rest of the Avengers approach the pair of us, Stark speaks and points to one of the quinjets "Experiments are going that way." "She's not an experiment, she's a member of HYDRA." She speaks "I think you'll find I'm a bit of both." Cap decides what to do "You're coming with us, we've got some questions for you." She walks with us to our quinjet, just before she sits down she takes a small breath and her wings disappear.

Interesting... But there's no point asking her any questions yet, the Director will have a ship load when we get to New York.

Clint pilots, Cap calls Fury, the rest of us sit there talking and occasionally looking over at the no longer winged girl, who silently stares at her hands.

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