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The vehicle we flew in lands on the roof of a building, it's so tall I can see so much from up here, I glance around to see we’re in the middle of a city.

I've never been here, but it looks busy enough to be a capital city and these people are definitely American, but I'm not completely sure where we are.

They guide me into the building, 4 of us step into the elevator, the others take the stairs. On my left is the taller than me, blonde, muscle man in blue. On the right is the shorter than me, light brunette with a bow and a pack of arrows slung over his shoulder. In front of me stands the only woman amongst this team, she's also short enough for me to be able to see over her head, her hair is ginger and long. After just a few seconds the elevator stops and we walk into a living room, the room is so modern, huge windows that show the skyscrapers of the city. Already in the room is a dark skinned man, wearing all black, he is standing with his back to us. The woman gestures for me to sit in an armchair, as I do the others sit on the couches and the man who was already in the room sits opposite me, I can now see the black eye patch covering his left eye.


He speaks in a commanding voice, directed at the others "Where's Stark?" "Taking the stairs." A door opens and in walks the tall Viking-like man with long blonde hair and a beard. Alongside a short, curly, rather grey haired man and Stark, no longer in his suit.

I really need to learn their names.

The man who asked for Stark continues to speak "Well then, why don't we-" But I interrupt "I have a better idea. Why don't we all learn each other's names first, because I'm not too good with nicknames." "Very well, my name is Director Fury, I'm in charge around here." "Got a first name?" He glares at me with his one eye.

Obviously not.

He ignores my comment and gestures for everyone to introduce themselves. I find out that blonde muscles or as they call him Captain Steve Rogers is the team leader, the arrow man is Agent Clint Barton, the woman is Agent Natasha Romanoff, the curly haired guy is a Doctor of some sort, Doctor Bruce Banner and the Viking is a God called Thor. Then there's Stark, who doesn't feel the need to introduce himself "Hello? What about you, robot?" "Me? You already know who I am." "Just because they said Stark doesn't mean I know you. What other names or titles do you have?" He gives me a really disappointed look "You really don't know who I am?" "No." "Why didn't HYDRA tell you about us? We're the Avengers." "I figured that much out on my own, they talk about you, a lot. I know all of your 'hero' names, but I don't know who's who, so tell me." He huffs in annoyance "I'm Tony Stark, New York billionaire. Ringing any bells?"

He's clearly not used to people not knowing him.

I smile and cross my arms, knowing it will annoy him more "No." The Captain speaks "I'm Captain America, Barton is Hawkeye, Natasha is Black Widow, Dr Banner is Hulk..."

Seriously he's the green guy!?

".. Stark is Ironman and Thor is, well he's still Thor." I can't help but laugh at the last part, I get a few glares "Sorry. Okay, my real name is Angel, but I'm known between scientists as Project Angel." I give them a smile.

I know they don't trust me, they think I'm helping HYDRA, working for them. Okay yes, I work for them, but I just cook and distribute meals, I even use my spare time to brighten the moods of the experiments. Just trying to be nice, but look where that gets me. Dad never told me we were on the bad side, he always told me 'we're experimenting for the greater good, to protect this planet.' and I believed him. What an idiot!

We sit there for a while talking, the Director has a lot of questions including “You have wings?” “Yep, I'll show you when we're done talking.” I answer the questions the best I can, I only speak the truth. Thor and the Doctor leave the room and after God knows how long our conversation is interrupted by the ding of the elevator, I look up to see who it is. Standing there is a man with his head down, in all black with shoulder length brown hair.

Soldat!? Is that Soldat?

I get up from the armchair and begin to slowly approach him, I hear someone say something but I can't figure out who it is. "Angel, what are you doing?" As soon as Soldat hears my name he lifts his head and takes a step out of the elevator, he moves his hair out of his eyes and looks at me curiously. Under instinct of a possible my threat my wings, pop out of my back, standing tall. He takes off his jacket and throws it aside, I feel a smile creep onto my face as we slowly approach each other.

He recognises me now, I'm sure of it.

Someone else in the room says something but I don't hear it, I'm too focused on the soldier in front of me.

I've always wondered what happened to him, they never told me, one day he was in his cell, the next they said he had been relocated again.

We stop about a foot away from each other, his eyes fall on my wings "Angel?" I nod my head, a smile forms on his lips, I reach a hand forward to push his hair behind his ear. With his metal hand he grabs my wrist, not hard, his smile turns into a smirk, I'm pretty sure mine does too.

Bring it on Soldat!

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