PART 24.

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I'm sitting on the floor, back up against the door listening to Soldat and Clint "Please, doll."

I walk into Soldat's cell, the door is locked behind me, I notice he doesn't come towards me "Soldat?" He looks at me curiously as he steps out of the shadows, his eyes lingering on my wings.

They must have wiped his memory again.

"It's me, Angel." "Angel?" I give him a smile "I'm your friend, I give you your meals, I sit in here and talk with you everyday." He gives me a blank look "I know they took away your memory again, but it's okay. You'll remember me soon, you always do." "I do?" "Yeah, you do. We've known each other for nearly two years, we train together, play games together… please Soldat." A flicker of recognition appears on his face, for just a moment before disappearing again.

They've really done a number on him this time!

I take a step towards him, he takes a step back, I smile warmly before taking a few more steps, stopping about a foot away from him. I reach up a hand to move the hair from his eyes when he grabs my wrist, he holds tighter than usual. I don't break my smile, he doesn't loosen his grip, I can feel him crushing my wrist, his expression hardens, as I look at my wrist and so does he.

I guess his memory has been erased too many times, he's finally forgotten me.

I speak in my commanding yet quiet voice "Release me, Winter Soldier." He obeys and lets go looking rather stunned, I feel a tear roll down my cheek. I sigh and turn towards the door of the cell, I sniffle as more tears roll down my cheeks, I try to keep my crying quiet as I drag my feet towards the door.

I don't want to leave but I don't think I can stay either, not like this.

I'm almost at the door when I feel a hand on my shoulder, he spins me round to face him, he looks sad "Don't leave me. Please, doll."

I wipe away the stray tears and slowly stand up and open the door, I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tight. Hesitantly he closes both arms around me, pulling me closer, I bury my face in his neck. I close my eyes and just breathe, he speaks in a gentle voice "Doll?" "I'm not going anywhere." He stays silent for a moment.

By his lack of words I assume he's confused, probably as confused as Clint. Oh shit I forgot about Clint!

I open my eyes and move only my head as I look at Clint "Sorry Clint, it just brought up some memories that I didn't want to discuss." He gives me a small smile "Don't worry about it, it's none of my business really. Just don't forget you've got each other, help each other out." He gives me a genuine smile before heading down the corridor to his bedroom.

Thank you Clint Barton.

I hear the elevator ding at the other end of the corridor, but I don't turn to face whoever is there. I hear Tony's voice “Eugene to the rescue, eh?" Then Steve says something before another joke can make its way out of his mouth "Ignore him." Soldat whispers to me "You good now?" I nod, he releases his grip around me and places his hands on my shoulders. Looking down at me he says "Do you want me to stay with you awhile?" I put on a brave face and speak clearly, just quietly "No, I'm good." "My bedroom door is labelled if you need me." He nods to me and heads towards whoever came up in the elevator, I walk back into my room, as I close the door I risk a glance in their direction.

All of them saw that!? This is so embarrassing!

I shut the door and sink back down on my bum against the door, I listen to them talking out in the corridor, Steve speaks first "You and Barton alright?" "Like he said, a misunderstanding. It's dealt with." "What about Angel?" "Angel's fine, just a HYDRA thing." I hear a door open and close, footsteps walk along the corridor, followed by more doors.

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