PART 20.

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Steve and I leave the kitchen and head back to the main party, I glance around trying to find Angel.

I haven't seen her much, I've been spending most of my time with Steve and Sam, I need to find her.

We stand with Sam who's watching a clearly drunk Tony shouting to and sloppily dancing with Angel "I wanted to talk to you!" Angel's voice replies in a rather bored and more quiet tone "About?" "About... bout..." Before Tony can finish he sinks to the floor, she bursts into laughter and almost trips over him, Steve nudges me "Might want to rescue your Angel from the alcohol." Sam raises an eyebrow and I speak "Good idea. I honestly don't think she's been drunk before." I march over to Angel who's trying dancing on her own, she notices me and grabs my hands "Join me!"

What do I do? I guess one dance won't hurt, the alcohol is already in her system, I just won't let her drink anymore.

She smiles and pulls me towards her, once we're barely a foot away she puts her hands on my hips, I copy her, we dance slightly to the music "Soldat, your friends are watching us." I turn my head towards Steve and Sam, Steve has a huge grin on his face, Sam's expression is rather unreadable. I direct my attention back to the beautiful Angel in front of me, she shuffles closer to me whispers in my ear "I think they're jealous, you're just too hot." I feel my cheeks blush.

She thinks I'm hot? Of course she doesn't, it's just the alcohol talking.

"I'm pretty sure they are looking at you, you look stunning." She grins like the cheshire cat "You should wear your hair up more often, the man bun is pretty sexy." My face reddens further, she giggles "It's good to know I can make you blush."

That's it, she's done.

"Come with me." I put my arm around her waist and walk her away from where she was dancing and towards the elevator, as the doors close she wraps her arms around me. When the doors open again I walk her to her bedroom door, open it and lead her inside, she shuts the door behind us, kicks off her heels and shrinks in size. I lead her to the bed and a mischievous smile appears on her face "This is one birthday I won't forget." "Wait what?"

What does she mean by that?

Even though she's intoxicated she still seems to recognise my confusion "It's my birthday silly." "It's Tony's birthday." "And mine, I just didn't say anything." "How old are you now?" "20...8? 28." "Well, happy birthday Angel." She leans up against me "Oh it will be."

I've been developing feelings for Angel for the past few months, but I don't want to make a move incase she gets punished, I don't care if they hurt me for it, but I don't want to risk her pain.

As I wait against the wall my cell door opens and in steps Angel, she stalks over to me "Soldat." "Angel." The door locks behind her as she continues to approach me, for a while we just talk but it gets onto a strange topic "So, I wanted to talk to you about something." I nod for her to continue "If there's something you want to do, but you could get punished for it, should you still do it?" She lays down on her back.

Is she reading my mind or something?

"How much do you want to do it?" "So much. It's just something small but I'm pretty sure my dad will freak if he finds out and it's pretty obvious he will." "Does it involve another person?" "Yeah." "Will it be worth it?" She sits up, her face barely inches from my own, she speaks in a quieter voice "Oh it will be." She sends me a mischievous smile, I begin to slowly lean in, but she throws herself at me planting her lips onto mine.

I sit down on the edge of the bed, she sits on my lap, we both lean in, our lips find each others.

This is something I have waited a long time for, after kissing that time we weren't able to get away with it again, she was told if it happened that we'd be severely punished, so we didn't risk it again. We became friends, friends with silent feelings for each other, feelings we hadn't even verbally admitted for each other, but I knew how she felt back then.

The kiss goes on for a few minutes before she reaches for a button on my shirt, I gently take her hands in mine "No tonight, you're drunk. I'm not taking advantage of you." "You wouldn't be." "I'm not risking it." That shuts her up, I pick her up and carry her towards the pillows, I put her down on the bed and kiss her forehead "Goodnight, my Angel." "Goodnight Soldat." I walk out of the room and shut the door behind me.

Good move Buck. It was probably just the alcohol, she's had plenty of time to change her feelings for you.

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