PART 13.

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Bucky isn't fighting because he knows her fighting style too well, Thor would probably kill her with a swing of him hammer and I don't want to risk squishing her, but we'll see how the others do.

Angel walks to the centre of the room, Steve and Tony make their way over and stand opposite her, she takes a deep breath and stretches out her wings, but it doesn't push them backwards. I hear Sam mumble next to me “Did she do that on purpose?” I shrug “Probably.” Their expressions become serious, but Angel smirks, she looks over at us all waiting anxiously.

I'm rather excited, I haven't seen her fight before, I know everyone but Thor, Sam and myself have seen her fight once and Bucky God knows how many times.

“Bring it on boys!” The music starts “Hit me with your best shot!” Her smirk turns into a serious face as they get into their stances and the fight begins…

Tony makes the first move, he runs at her aiming to punch her in the abdomen, she uses her wings to push herself back and glides over him, kicking him in the face in the process, he hits the floor hard 1… 2… “I'm okay…” 3… He stagers but stands. Steve makes a swing at her, she dodges most punches then in one swift move kicks him in the ribs sending him flying backwards. Tony jumps in and grabs her from behind, his hands on her thighs, she kicks him in the genitals, he lets out a groan and face plants the floor. 1… 2… 3… She flies at full speed at Steve still standing, she grabs his shoulders and tackles him to the ground, landing on top of him, straddling him. 1… Tony gets up. 2… she looks down at Steve and winks at him, he blushes. 3…

Why does he have to get embarrassed at a time like this?

Tony tries to uses the distraction to attack from behind, but this time she's ready. 4… She rises into the air at lighting speed, spins round and punches him. 5… “You're out Cap!” He groans but gets up, still blushing slightly.

The punch sent at Tony collides with his jaw sending him to the floor. 1… Nat attempts to pounce on Angel's back but she manages to move just in time. 2… Angel tries Nat’s trick and jumps on her back, but Nat doesn't topple. 3… She grabs Angel's arms and pulls her over her head. 4… But Angel uses her wings to stop herself from falling. 5… “You're out Tony!” He just grumbles in response, Thor marches over and drags him over to the bench, Clint stalks over to the ladies who are currently dodging and blocking each others attacks.

They seem rather evenly matched.

Clint creeps up behind Angel, he holds his hands out to grab her, but clearly isn't sure where to hold since the wings are in the way. He loses his opportunity as Angel elbows him in the face, he stumbles backwards.

I don't even think that was intentional.

Nat manages to push Angel onto her back, she pins her. 1… Angel tries to gain control by placing her hands on Nat’s shoulders and pushing. 2… She gets vocal “Shit!” and grabs Nat’s wrists and pushes them away from her body. 3… But she doesn't give up, she wraps her legs sound Nat’s waist and uses all her strength to make Nat lose her balance, falling flat on top of her. 4… Angel then tosses her to the side and uses her wings to levitate her body into the air before landing on her feet.

That was incredibly close.

Sam seems to be impressed “Damn girl!” Clint marches over to Angel, she aims to punch him in the face, he grabs her arm and twists it “Agh!” She stomps on his foot “Ow!” She then headbutts him, knocking him unconscious.

We still have to give him 5 seconds before sending in Sam.

Nat aims a punch at Angel. 1… Who flips over her and kicks her arse, literally. 2… She stumbles forwards and meets the floor. 3… Angel runs over and sits on Nat’s back, holding her down. 4… 1… 5… 2… “Clint's out!” 3… “You're up Sam.” 4… He slowly stands and begins approaching Angel who's still sitting on the back of a struggling Nat. 5… “You're out Nat!” Angel jumps off her and takes a few steps closer towards Sam who speaks “You know what, I'm man enough to admit when I don't stand a chance.” She stops about a foot in front of him, a smile appears on her face “You're incredible Angel.” Her smile grows “And you're a wimp.” She punches him hard in the shoulder “Ow!” “Couldn't let you off with nothing, now could I?” She smiles. The pair make their way over to the bench, Bucky, who has been recording the whole thing stops the video and hands Tony back his phone, who immediately sends the footage to Fury. One at a time I check over everyone's injuries.

It looks like this lot just stumbled out of a bar fight.

Steve has a cracked rib but an injured pride more than anything. Tony has a nose bleed, a bruised jaw and may need an ice pack on his man hood for a little while. Natasha, who lasted the longest, suffered with the least amount of damage, just bruises. Clint has a broken nose, sore foot and a slight concussion. Finally Angel who’s left hand has been broken in a few places, a sprained wrist on the right, a bleeding bottom lip and plenty of bruises.

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