PART 11.

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As soon as I'm in the tower and on my way up to the living room I text Steve, he responds instantly.

'In kitchen, You can help us prank the guest, be silent. -Nat.'

That definitely sounds like Natasha, why's she using Steve's phone and how are they pranking their guest exactly?

I get out of the elevator and sneak towards the kitchen, I creep through the open door, the room is completely silent, an unfamiliar female with huge black wings is facing away from me. I feel someone grab my arm and pull me down as she turns to her left and places a plate on the side, as soon as she turns away, Natasha, who is one of the closest people to the winged woman, skillfully and silently swipes the plate from its place and passes it around the island. Clint, who's at the other end places it on the other side of the winged woman.

That's cruel, I want to join in.

I get on my hands and knees, I crawl under the island and towards the guest, I stay hidden from view, she goes to place the next plate down and realises it's missing, she puts it down. While she turns her attention to everyone else in the room, I take my opportunity, I grab the plate and pull it under the table with me, carefully not to brush past her wings. Since being so close I get to have a better look at the magnificent wings in front of me.

I'm so jealous! I want to touch them!

She looks to where the plate was and looks back at everyone seated, I can barely stop myself from chuckling, she dries up the next plate, as she does so I hold the plate above table level, it's taken from my grip, probably by Bruce since he was the closest. As she places the next plate down I notice her head turning every few seconds, trying to keep an eye on the plate, I grab it and hand it up again. She turns around and throws her arms in the air, holding the next plate, she shouts "Okay!" I try to hide myself as best I can "Who's toying with me?" I hear Clint's voice "Not me." There's a moment's silence.

What's going on up there? I want to know what's happening!

She turns back towards the sink, she starts drying a knife and ‘accidently’ drops it, I don't have enough time to react before she swoops down and locks eyes with me.


Her eyes go wide, she cocks her head to one side and speaks with a voice full of surprise "Okay, that I didn't expect... I expected, well, actually I don't know what I expected. But it definitely wasn't you." I give her my dashing smile "Sam Wilson." I hold out my hand, she shakes it, even though she's still sort of upside down "Angel." "Got a last name?" "Used to, haven't used it in years, not about to now." "Fair enough." We release each other's hands, she stands up straight and I crawl out and stand next to her, everyone else is laughing. I take a proper look at her now, she looks the exact same height as me so I straighten up a little, she has black hair in a bun, grey eyes, pale skin and her gigantic black wings.

Those wings are just incredible, I wonder how well they fly.

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