PART 10.

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After making sandwiches and calling everyone into the kitchen to eat I join them, Natasha sits next to me "Hey Angel, this morning Stark sent me back to the facility with a few Agents, we collected all your belongings, they're in the guest room you're staying in." A smile forms on my face "Thank you." I look over at Tony, he winks at me, I mouth 'Thanks robot', we smile at each other.

It's good to know he does what he agrees to, I think I'm starting to trust him.

I take another bite of my sandwich, Thor starts telling us about a fight he had with a bilgesnipe, whatever that is. Once we've listened to that crazy story I collect everyone's plates and head for the sink, Clint stands in my way "Seriously, dude? Get out of my way." He just smiles and holds his hands out, waiting for me to hand him the plates, I glare at him.

I let him do the washing up once and he thinks I'll let him do it again?

I take a few steps towards him, he doesn't back up, my wings pop out, but not all the way due to lack of space, he questions me "Angel? What're you doing?" "I'm doing the washing up." "No, you're not." I keep closing the gap between us, once I'm almost leaning up against him I stop walking, I look down at him, he's not much shorter than me but my wings make me look taller. My wings begin to reach around me, Natasha notices "What's going on?" I use my wings to push him backwards, until he's out of my way, I then stop glaring, put a smile on my face and prepare the sink to do the washing up.

This is so fun, I should torment him more often.

I hear Thor speak "You are rather scary for a mortal girl." I look over my shoulder and smirk at him "Good to know." I turn back to the sink and get busy with a grin on my face, no one tries to stop me. They remain in the kitchen while I wash up and I know they're watching me "You know it's rude to stare." No one responds and I don't turn around, instead I start humming quietly, but apparently not quiet enough since someone hears me. The Doctor, for the first time since being introduced yesterday, speaks "I know that song." I turn to him, so does everyone else, they all look confused.

They probably didn't hear my humming, I'm surprised he did, but I guess he is the closest to me right now.

"Name it." "Zombie." I hit the end of my nose with my index finger with a small smile before continuing my humming and starting to dry up. I put the first dry plate on the unit, I dry the second one and go to place it on the unit.

Hang on a minute, where's the first plate gone?

I put down the plate and point an accusing finger at Clint, he mocks being offended by silently gasping and dramatically putting a hand over his heart, I stifle a laugh.

Drama queen.

I turn back to the plate I just put down, that one's gone too, I turn back to the group who are each trying not to look more suspicious than the person next to them. I dry up the third plate, put it down and try to keep an eye on it whilst drying up the next one, which is incredibly difficult, I try to listen for movement behind me, nothing. I put down the plate, on the once again, empty surface "Okay!" I shout making everyone jump "Who's toying with me?" Clint responds "Not me." I respond by raising my middle finger at him, I glare at the group, waiting for someone to crack under pressure, they avoid my gaze.

Sneaky bastard!

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