PART 27.

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Sam must’ve noticed something is off as he slowly approaches “You okay, Angel?” “Yeah, just worn out and a bit hungry.” “Here.” He puts a plate with two pancakes on the island and slide them her way, she sits “Thanks.” “Sure thing.” I notice his concerned look, he looks to me and look to her hands, he follows my line of sight “Woah, what happened?” He rushes over and sits beside her “I guess I was a bit too aggressive with the punch bag.” “Where did all that aggression come from?” “No idea. Don't worry about me, I'm a big girl, I can handle it.” She smiles and he smiles back “Alright. Steve, want some pancakes?” “No thanks, I'm going to head back to the gym.”

I also need to talk to Stark about FRIDAY, maybe about Angel too.

“Alright.” I leave the pair in the kitchen and head to my room, I pull out my phone, I text Stark.

‘Something concerning Angel happened this morning, I'm not sure what to do about it. Meet me this morning?'-Me.
‘I’m in my lab right now, come now.'-Stark.

I head to Stark's lab, as soon as I get there I close the door “Stark?” He pops his head up from behind a desk “Over here!” I walk over “What happened this morning?” “Firstly, FRIDAY doesn't seem to be working.” “Oh! That's why she didn't do what I asked a couple of minutes ago, I thought she was just being stubborn. How did you figure it out?” “Well, FRIDAY wouldn't have allowed Angel to stay in the condition she was in.” “I'll ask again. What happened?” “She was in the training room, drenched in sweat, panting, she was punching a hanging bag. I managed to get her to stop, her hands were bleeding, she hadn't been wearing any protection and when I asked her how long she's been at it, she said she'd started last night, she hadn't slept.” “This is bad.” “Yeah, I know. I tended to her wounds the best I could and she's now in the kitchen with Sam, she'll have a shower after. FRIDAY would've told her to stop, right?” “Definitely. Which means, she's been offline for a good amount of hours. Thank, I'll look into it and get her back up and running.”

But what about Angel?

“Concerning Angel, should I tell anyone else, you're the only one that knows. Do I tell Buck?” “No. You know what he's like, he'll notice her hands and demand an explanation from her, he won't want to hear it from you.” “Right. So this is just between us?” “For this very moment, yes. But if something like this happens again, then I don't know.” “Alright. I'll be in the training room if you need me.” “Gotcha.” I head to the training room to actually train this time, when I get there I find Buck working out “Morning.” “Morning.” “What's wrong with you?” “Nothing.” “Never were a good liar.” He gets up from doing sit-ups and strides over “Tell me. Now.”

You were right, Stark.

“Uh-” “Don't even think about lying to me, why are you even considering it?” “Sorry.” “You'd better be. Now spill.” I sigh “It's none of my business really.” “It's concerning someone else?” I nod “Alright, just tell me who. I won't tell them I heard from you, but to get you stressed out like this, it can't be something small.” “Angel.” “Damn it!” He runs out of the room “Kitchen.” “Thanks, Stevie.”

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