PART 25.

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Once I'm sure everyone's gone I leave the room and head for the training room, after wandering around I find a punch bag, my wings extend. I need to clear my mind of everything, all that's been on my mind recently is HYDRA, they've done so much to my way of thinking and I've had enough. With each punch I land on the bag I try to drill an old thought from my mind.

The Avengers are good. The Avengers are heroes. My dad lied to me. I allowed my dad to experiment on me, did he have another reason other than to make me happy? HYDRA can't be trusted. HYDRA used people for their own benefit. HYDRA experimented on innocent people. None of those people deserved to be experimented on. Innocent people were lied to. I could've helped those people. Providing company wasn't enough. I should've done more. I could've done more.

“I should've done more.” I take my anger out on the punch bag, punishing myself for my selfishness “I could've done more.” I give the bag everything I've got “Why didn't I do more? Why didn't I do more!?” “Perhaps you should take a break.” I instantly stop at the familiar voice, I slowly turn and come face to face with my dad “How are you here?”

How could FRIDAY let him in?

“I'm here to rescue you.” “Rescue me? I don't need rescuing from these people?” “You've already turned against us? I expected you to take a lot longer than this to crack. It just shows how manipulative they really are.” “What are you talking about? You're the manipulative one, you've managed to keep me at HYDRA this whole time.” “You think they won't throw you in jail, you're a threat to them, listen to this.” He hands me a phone, I cautiously take it and press play, there are multiple clips of speech.

“FRIDAY, let me know if she leaves her room.”-Tony.

“Whenever they've been finding out something new Stark has been texting me the details."-Fury.

“Keep me posted, we need to learn everything we possibly can about her."-Fury.
"She's rather secretive."-Woman.
“Then we push her."-Fury.

“Good to know she isn't indestructible.”-Fury.

“She will not leave this tower.”-Fury.

I hand the phone back to my dad, tears in my eyes “No…” “You didn't think them taking you from me would stop me from looking out for you, did you? I've been keeping a watch on this place, trying to find the best time to contact you. These are all recordings from this tower and S.H.I.E.L.D Headquarters.” “But-” “Whatever they've told you is a lie. These are their opinions. Angel, don't trust them. There's one more.” “I don't wanna hear it.” “Trust me, you do.” He presses play.

“You were interrogating her?”-Soldat.
“No, just talking.”-Clint.
“Well? What did you find out?”-Tony.

“The Winter Soldier had his suspicions too, when he left the room the truth came out.” “I don't understand.” “They've brainwashed him, forced him onto their side, he doesn't even realise. But he's showing signs of breaking through, I need you to bring him back to our side.” He hands me a piece of paper, I unfold it to reveal a set of words “Read these words to him, they should break him out of his trace. We need you to bring him back, you can do this Angel. You do this and everything will be so much better, I promise, I can help you do more.” My wings recoil, my dad pulls me into a hug and I can't stop myself from embracing him.

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