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Dedicated to -sarcastic-bitch

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Dedicated to -sarcastic-bitch

She has been in the camp for five years. She didn't know what day it was, what month it was, what year it was. What's the time? Wait, is it daytime or nighttime already?

"Wakey, wakey, Purple!"

She was shoved awake from her small nap. Since she arrived she's lost weight and got thin. Her weight wasn't dangerously thin, but she didn't look the same compared to when she first arrived.

Not only did she get thinner, but puberty smacked her as she got older. Looks like it was forgotten girls actually still get periods and boobs pop out of their chests. Pads or tampons were insufficient. Bras? More like thick cloth with straps. You can only get a new bra if your cup size changes. So much for saving...

"I'm up, ya!" She slowly got out of bed and stood up. "Where's Dr. Begbie? I thought she's the one who usually wakes me up?"

"She transferred."

"To where?"

"None of your damn business."

She just rolled her eyes. She looked around to get some sign of what time it possibly was. There were no windows, so she couldn't see how it was outside.

"You're needed to be outside. This is finally your time to get some oxygen from the outdoors."

She raised a brow at him. "What about the others?"

He chuckled. "You won't be around anyone."

That kind of threw her off. Out of all the times, now she was being out of her cage? She gave him a look as she wasn't believing what he told her.

"Get out there before you won't experience the outside life at all anymore. And no talking."

The others weren't allowed to talk or even look at a PSF. Trouble will happen if it was done. The others were treated differently compared to her. She didn't know she was being treated differently, but even if she did knew she wouldn't know why.

She decided he was, in fact, being serious and not messing around, so she went with him to take her outside. As soon as she passed the doors she realized it was dark. No one else was outside except for the PSFs. More were around her because she was a Purple. She was actually quite surprised she was still around and wasn't sent away or dead.

She was taken to a small area outside. An electric fence surrounded, warning signs all over. She looked around, taking a few small steps forward. She covered herself with her arms as her body now decided to take notice of the cold. It was snowing outside, but there wasn't any snow covering the ground. It probably started.

"You have fi- ahhh!"

She flinched as she heard him yell. That was a first it ever happened. She flinched again when she heard the other PSFs yell in pain. She started to get anxious as she heard an alarm that was unfamiliar to her.

He had his hand over his earpiece. "What's going on?"

"Kids are breaking out," a man said in his earpiece.

"The girl might have done something."

"I knew she shouldn't have been taken out!"

She shook her head. "Wait, what? No, I-I'm not doing anything." She looked at the PSF in front of her. Without thinking, her eyes turned purple. "Take me to where it's happening." But now I am. She looked at the others and commanded the same thing.

He stared at her for a moment before nodding his head. "Come on," he said before grabbing her arm and taking her with him.

Looking at them now, it was very unusual. Especially for a situation like this because there was no reason for her to be near the PSFs unless she was being chaperoned or taken somewhere.

Luce became aware of her Orange abilities a year after being in the camp. Because she was isolated from the others, she had some practice done. The PSFs were her first targets, and they were bold targets for her. Once it was realized what she was doing, she would have been gone in an instant.

Her friend, Alex, she couldn't take being in the camp. Her mental state got the best of her and she was transferred and locked away, somewhere literally away from the others. Maybe some sort of panic room? It was unknown if she was currently alive or not. Sometimes she would ask about her, but she was never given information that wasn't obvious.

When Luce passed by other people, her eyes remained purple. She made them believe she was supposed to be out and it wasn't a problem. What she was doing just lets her know how strong she got her abilities to be.

When she got to a different section of the area, she was surprised to see a group of kids running to the electric fence. They were Yellows, Greens, and Blues. She looked at the PSF and said, "Let me go. I'll handle this."

He did let her go. He was letting her handle this. Like how he was told. Like how she told him.

She ran to the kids that continued to run to the electric fence. Not once was she looked at for wearing a purple uniform. That just proves she was the least of their interest and their attention was to the electric fence.

She reached the kids that surrounded the fence. She knew why the alarm went off. She knew why they were running to the fence. She knew why they were surrounding the fence. They were going to escape.

She tried to make her way to the front, but she kept getting pushed back. She grunted as she was returned to the back, but that didn't stop her from trying a second time. She made her way to the front again, but this time it was easier because there wasn't as much movement from the others compared to last time. It was like they paused for something.

A Blue stood at the front of the individuals. He had his arms out in front of him. His eyes were blue. No, not just the eye color, but his eyes glowed blue as he was using his telekinesis. He was making the electric fence shake. When the shaking wasn't enough, he gave it his all and made the fence doors break and fall.

That caused everyone to start running to freedom. An enormous amount of people ran the same direction, causing some to fall and almost or be trampled.


Luce gasped as she glanced at the PSFs, her eyes widening as a few ran towards them. Looking at them reminded her that they watched what happened. They were slow at processing because she was controlling them. They had their guns with them and aimed at the group in front of them, not waiting to start firing.

That made her run faster to the front. As she ran, a few bodies fell to the ground. Some were shot while others were pushed or tripped. She saw a Yellow on the ground looking scared and helpless. She was going to help her, but a Blue beat her to it. She saw him pick her up and run. The Yellow looked at her, both leaving for their lives.

They will no longer be in the camp. They will no longer have to wear uniforms. They will no longer be treated as prisoners.

They will be on their own. They will be free.


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