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Dedicated to Kelsey_Mikaelson

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Dedicated to Kelsey_Mikaelson

Luce looked at Liam as he looked back at her. He directed her for them to go near the trees for some privacy. She nodded before getting up. Together, they went a few feet away from Chubs and Ruby.

"I'm sorry," was the first thing she said when they stopped near the trees.

He shook his head. "No, stop. You have to do what you have to do. I know you do. You're sacrificing yourself by being out in the open while the rest of us," he scoffed, "who knows what will happen to us. But I'm not mad at you but I'm upset. I just..." He rubbed his face as he sighed, "I just want you to be safe. Please, please, please be safe. I'm begging you."

She looked at him in the eye and nodded. "I will be safe and I promise you that. Just like I promise you I will find you."

"And I promise you I will find you." Because of their height difference, he looked down at her while she looked up at him. Gently, he took hold of her hand and brought it to his heart. "You know this only beats for you?"

"No, please don't say that now. Please don't. You know-"

She couldn't finish what she was saying because he interrupted her by kissing her. Their first kiss. It was very surprising that it was happening now, but also disappointing. When they pulled away, they looked at each other in the eyes.

"Why are we letting this be our first kiss?" He asked.

"We might have to let it be our last for a while," she told him sadly.

He looked away as he didn't like the sound of that. But, he looked at her again when she made him by grabbing his chin and making him look at her.

"For a while, okay? We'll find each other, remember that."

"Just don't delete the kisses."

She shook her head. "I won't; I promise."

He was quiet for a while before he spoke, "Crazy thing is I had...I had all these plans...all these places I would take you and the others."

Using her side, she leaned against the tree. "Liam-"

"We'll be okay," he said as he held onto her hand, playing with her fingers a bit. "We'll just have to find each other."

"I know it sounds cheesy, but...I'd do it all again if it meant that I met you."

That caused him to smile. "You really think that?"

"Yeah," she said with a small smile of her own. She looked at Ruby and Chubs. "Maybe make a few changes while at it though..."

"I mean, the way I see it, you and me...inevitable." He looked at his surroundings before looking at her. "I'm gonna tell you a story, okay?"

She looked at him, tilting her head as she squinted her eyes a little. "Okay..."

"Trust me with this." He took both of her hands and made her turn around so she was facing away from him. He had his arms around her as she leaned against him. "So," he started off, "it's summer in Chicago, and you're suffering through another boring hot July working part-time at the ice cream parlor."

"You remember," she mumbled with a small smile.

"Can't forget a place you always wanted to see." He chuckled. "But one day, the ice cream parlor runs out of ice cream. And that happens, you know? Your brother says, 'Hey, let's go to North Avenue Beach.'"

"Where are you in the story?" She decided to ask him.


"Yeah," she said with a small nod.

"Well, I'm in... I'm in Wilmington. Suffering through another boring, hot summer working at the garage...before heading off to some fancy university. My mom can't bear to see her baby leave, so she packs us up for one last week together at... North Avenue Beach."

She couldn't help but start to tear up a bit. "I see where this is going."

He smiled. "And then, as fate would have it...on our last day at the beach...I spot you. I mean, I'm in the middle of playing volleyball with my best friend, Chubs, while Zu is keeping score, but it's... It's like everyone else disappears. And you're walking towards me. You're with Ruby and you have these big sunglasses on, one earbud in while Ruby had the other, music blaring. You're beautiful. And you keep smiling and laughing, and looking out at the water, but...all I want to look at is you."

She closed her eyes for a moment, forcing her tears to leave from her eyes before opening them. "What happens next?"

"Well...I tell you that I love you."

She was surprised to hear those words from him. She was honestly not expecting him to say them, especially to her at this time. She took a shaky breath before saying, "Te amo."

He smiled as he heard her speak Spanish. "Yeah, te amo."

She laughed a little when she heard him repeat the words. She stopped when she heard Ruby speak.

"Hey, they're coming here," she told them. "You need to leave now, Luce, if you're serious."

She looked over as she saw a vehicle approaching. She turned to give him one last kiss before saying, "I'll find you. I'll find Zu as well, I'll make sure of it."

Confidently, he nodded. "Yeah. Now get going before you get caught. I'll find you, remember that."

She gave him one last look before she quickly ran away. She didn't know where she was going. All she knew was she was going to be getting away from everything, but she will be reunited with them again. She admits she doesn't like the fact she was basically going to have to start all over, but this time she would be more prepared.

She knows how to be a Green.

She knows how to be a Blue.

She knows how to be a Yellow.

She knows how to be a Red.

She knows how to be an Orange.

And she definitely knows how to be a Purple.

A strong one this time. She was no longer her old self when she first started using her abilities. No, she was much more advanced now. Yeah, the death of her brother was probably a major trigger, but at least she officially knows what she's doing with her abilities.

Liam went back to Ruby and Chubs as she ran away from them. He didn't want to see her run away because it was the same as saying goodbye.

Two black vehicles pulled up. Two guys came out of one and pointed their weapons at them. Cate and Rob came out of the other. She held her arm up to put their weapons down as she approached the three.


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