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Dedicated to O-Obliviate-

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Dedicated to O-Obliviate-

Dinner was served at exactly seven that night. There was no intercom or alarm system in the camp, but there were cowbells. Apparently, that was a universal call for food, because once the first bell rang, others echoed back, spreading the noise through the cabins and trails, all the way down.

It was easy enough to find the action, considering over two-hundred kids were gathered around a raging bonfire to eat. A few of the older boys threw more logs into the fire's grasping fingers. Rings of old logs provided makeshift seats for those who already had their food and didn't want to eat alone in their cabins.

When Luce arrived, she spotted Liam right away, standing rather than sitting on one of the logs. He had a bowl of chili in each hand and was scanning the area. Chubs would have walked right by him if Liam hadn't nudged him as he passed. He asked Chubs something, but Luce only caught part of his response.

"Uh, no thanks. I read Lord of the Flies. I know how this works—everyone starts dancing around the fire and painting their faces and worshipping a decapitated pig head and then someone gets hit by a boulder and plummets to their death—and, surprise, it's the fat kid in glasses." Liam started laughing, but even Luce could see how uncomfortable Chubs looked. "I think I'm going to play it safe and go read—and, hey, there's Luce! You two can enjoy the degeneration of human decency without me."

Liam whirled around so fast his footing slipped, and he came dangerously close to dropping both bowls on the bushy-haired girls sitting beside him.

"Have fun," Chubs said as he hurried past the Purple, but he wasn't fast enough because she caught his sleeve and swung him back around.

"What's wrong?" She asked him.

He shrugged, a sad smile curling the ends of his lips. "I'm just not up for it tonight, I guess."

"Well, if you change your mind, we'll be here," she said with a reassuring smile.

Chubs patted her head fondly and continued up the dirt trail, back to their assigned cabin.

"What's gotten into him?" Liam asked, offering her the steaming bowl of food.

"I think he's just tired," she told him and left it at that.

"Where's your brother?" He asked her.

She jerked her head to the direction where her brother was: in line with Ruby, talking quite comfortably. "At least they're getting along. Where's Zu?" She asked him, only for him to nod to the left.

There she was, her smiling face appeared at the center of a small group of boys and girls her age. When she saw her, she waved. The Asian girl sitting next to her nodded as Zu gestured to her, as if knowing her every thought without having to whisper a word. When Zu reached over to knock back the hood of the girl's "Virginia Is for Lovers" sweatshirt, she revealed a long, glossy black braid.

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