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Dedicated to smartisthenewcool

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Dedicated to smartisthenewcool


The woman cried as she saw her daughter being taken away. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, mija." She covered her eyes as she didn't want to see the damaged look she was receiving from her daughter.

"Mom, please! Don't let them take me! I love you!" She screamed. She kicked. She punched. She was forced to be quiet. She was taken away from her mother; from her home; from her life.


She was shackled to the bus as she was taken to a camp. She wasn't the only one on the bus. There were other kids that seemed to be around her age. A few adults were on the bus as well, except they were protected and had weapons.

She glanced at one of the adults, but she quickly turned back as she was threatened to be hurt with one of the weapons. Who knew a PSF would threaten a preteen. Why? What's wrong with her? What did she do to be brought to a freaking bus tackled by freaking people?

She sighed as she looked out the window. There was nothing special to look at, just trees, grass, and the sky. That was it. Occasionally there was an empty playground, but that was as exciting as it would get.

It didn't get interesting until she got to a least she thought it was a camp. It looked horrible. What disrupted her attention was the bus stopping and everyone getting out.

She was one of the last few to get out. She was forced to stand in a specific spot in line between a younger kid and an older one.

"Do what you're told! Do not act stupid, do not try to escape!" A PSF yelled at them. He eyed every one of the kids that were brought in.

"Follow along now."



She turned to look at what appeared to be a doctor. She looked above at some sort of scanner before looking at him again. "Lu...Lucinda Rome."

He nodded before he flipped through some papers and looked at the computer.

"Why am I here?"

When he looked at her, it was like he realized she was sitting there. Yeah, not like he didn't just ask her a question, right? He looked back at the computer. "You survived."

The sickness, she thought to herself. "If I survived...then why was I brought here? I should be at home."

He sighed in a bit of annoyance as he already heard that line many, many times. Different versions, but still the same thing. "You may have survived but you're not the same. When they picked you up were you assigned a color?"

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