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Dedicated to Dimka28

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Dedicated to Dimka28

"Well, I guess it's going to be storytime," Luke said as he walked over to the bunk Luce was on and sat down next to her.

Chubs climbed down from the top bunk and went to sit next to Liam. Compared to the others, he seemed to be the most excited to hear what happened. It might be weird, but the whole situation was interesting to him.

"For starters I am Lucas, but call me Luke," he started off. He cleared his throat before he continued, "We are indeed twins. Fraternal, obviously. Umm, I started to have signs when I was ten. Mom...she really knew something was going on. When I accidentally used one of my abilities that really set her off. She already knew about the sickness, so right away she took me away from the family while Luce was sleeping."

"At night?" Ruby asked.

The two shook their heads. "Napping," they both said at the same time.

Luce remembered she saw him before she went to sleep and woke up to him not being around anymore.

"She took me while she was napping," he continued. "She told me we were going to get food, but she took me to the police station. She told them what happened and I was picked up there." He took a deep breath as the events played in his head. "I just remember seeing her face. She looked so mad but also so sad, but scared at the same time. I don't know if it was because I was one of them, or because she basically had me sent away. Maybe it was because if I survived then Luce is next. I don't know. So much was going on and it was kind of hard for me to keep up."

Now it was Luce's turn to continue, "I woke up as soon as my mom got home. It was night time when she came back, so I was napping for quite some time." She furrowed her brows as she remembered all that happened that night. "I don't know what was going on. I just woke up and he wasn't there anymore. I kept asking my mom what happened and she wouldn't tell me, which got me really mad because he's her kid. When I started to have feelings, the twin feelings, that's when she told me he died. It didn't make sense though."

Luke scoffed at what he heard. "Of course she would tell you that," he muttered. "I had to take a test and I was identified as a Purple. I don't know why but they kept me."

"Wait," Liam said. "What camp were you in?"


That caught the attention of Ruby. "Really? I was in Thurmond. They got rid of the Yellows, Oranges, and Reds. I've never heard of any Purples in my camp. How come they kept you there?"

"Probably the same way I was," Luce said. "They kept me as a Purple."

"I doubt it," he said as he shook his head. "I was actually working with a Red at the camp. From what I know of, not all the Reds were gotten rid of. Some were used for torture."

"Were you one of them?" Chubs asked.

He nodded. "I didn't like it. I managed to get out thanks to controlling a few minds. Once I was free, I was on my own."

Luce looked over to him. "You got hurt, didn't you? I felt it."

He nodded. "Yeah, I did a few times. In the camp and out. Surviving by myself was a struggle." He looked over at her. "You got hurt too, didn't you? I felt something." He pointed to his ears. "My ears were hurting and my vision got blurry for a bit. I had a headache after a while."

That caused everyone to look at Luce as she looked at Liam and Chubs. The two boys nodded their heads at her, her nodding her head back at them.

"We...we were caught by Lady Jane," Liam started off. "She wanted me mainly, but I guess she got a hold of her. She was in my camp but I got her out, as well as Chubs and Zu and a bunch of other people."

"Yeah, you're that guy that helped the others escape, right? Something about an electric fence?"

"You heard about that?"

"Heard about it? I know about it." He smiled at him. "Impressive. I looked up to that, not gonna lie."

That caused the Blue to chuckle. "Thanks, that means a lot. As I was saying, Lady Jane got a hold of us."

Chubs added on, "She tied up Luce, Zu, and I. She did her best but that white noise was a pain in the ass. It got to us, but it got to her the most. When Liam and Ruby came, she used it again. I literally saw your sister's eyes roll to the back of her head and slouch over."

"He thought I was dead," she said with an unimpressed look on her face.

"I really did and I apologize for thinking that way!"

"When I woke up I had the worst possible headache ever," Luce said. "It was not fun."

"So that's where it came from," he mumbled. "Hmm. Yeah, thanks for that."

She rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Figured it was gonna hurt somebody," she said in a sarcastic tone.

"How did you find this place?" Liam asked him. "We've been looking for it for as long as we could remember."

"That was challenging. I didn't know about this place until I ran into Mike."

"You're kidding," Liam and Luce said at the same time.

He chuckled and shook his head. "I ran into him and he told me everything. He told me where he's from, what camp he came from, the escape, all that. He then told me about over here and we've been looking for it ever since. We found it."

"You made it sound so easy though," Liam said with a shake of his head. "Definitely wasn't easy for us."

"Hell no," Luce agreed.

"Yeah and those kids at the mall were no help," Chubs said and made a face.

"Until Ruby got him to say something," she said with a devious smile. "Oh yeah, I definitely knew all along. Good job by the way."

That caused the Orange to smile a little. "Yeah, well if it wasn't obvious already I am in fact an Orange. Got them to find out the hard way. Actually, I got some of them to find out the hard way."

Chubs spoke, "Yeah, we knew you were an Orange since-"

They all spoke at the same time, "Day Zero," before laughing.

"You know," Liam said, "legend has it Lady Jane is still walking nonstop."

The idea of it caused Ruby to laugh a little. "Whoops."

"That legend will live forever," Luce said.

"Agree," the three of the Black Betty crew said while Zu nodded in agreement.


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