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Dedicated to michaelgscott_

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Dedicated to michaelgscott_

"Run!" Chubs yelled, causing everyone but Luce and Ruby to run.

They both watched in horror as the damage was being done. They watched as the fire made its way to destroy everything in its path. People were being burned alive; tents were getting caught on fire and falling apart; the grass was getting damaged. People were literally running for their lives, but many of them seemed to not make it.


Because the PSFs were on the ground and were blasting white noise at everyone.

Kids crouched down as they covered their ears trying to block out the noise as best as they could.

The Reds walked to the group of five. Their eyes remained red and their faces heated as their attention was to them.

Luce and Luke ran towards them but didn't dare to come close...too close. Together, the twins' eyes turned purple and their faces started to get heated as they blasted them with their own flames.

Liam ran over as he noticed the Reds were about to blast them with their flames. He stopped behind the twins and used his telekinesis to move a crate to be in front of them.

When it was successful, the twins stopped breathing out fire. However, their eyes still remained purple because, all three, now thinking the same way, used their telekinesis to lift the flaming crate and flung it to the Reds in front of them.

The twins' eyes turned back to brown while Liam's turned back to blue. He grabbed onto his arm and fell, causing all the attention from the others to him before they helped him up.

They watched in horror as Clancy stood at the other side many, many feet away from them. They saw kids around him stopped and crouched down to one knee. They knew for a fact he was controlling them.

"Go, go, go!" Ruby yelled as he was walking toward them.

"We're not leaving you!" Liam told her.

"You can't fight him! I can."

"And I can too," Luce told her with a serious look on her face.

"Liam, they need you. Trust me," Ruby told the three. "Now, go! Save as many as you can."

"Luke, por favor ve con ellos (Luke, please go with them)," Luce told her. "I can handle this."

He looked at her unsure but gave her a serious face. "If you get killed-"

"Walk it off, I know. Now go." She shoved him as he swatted her.

"Come on, come on!" Liam yelled at the group, Chubs holding him to his right while Luke was now on his left. "Let's go! This way! Come on!"

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