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Dedicated to CrystalRose2404

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Dedicated to CrystalRose2404

"He needs help," Luce said as she had Liam's arm draped over her shoulders. "We can't have him out here like this."

"Okay, but where are we going to go?" Chubs asked, Liam's other arm draped over his shoulders. "Nowhere is safe."

"Just take him back to the cabin," Ruby said. "We're not being followed-"

"That is such a dumbass idea," Chubs told her.

"Where else can we go?!" Ruby asked. "We can't have him out in the open. It's quiet, so nothing is going on."

"That's what they want you to think," Luke said.

Chubs told her, "And take it from a Purple- oh shit!" He jumped a bit as he didn't expect to see someone.

"Mike?" Luke asked. "What are you doing out here?"

He didn't answer his question as he looked at Liam. "I can help him."


Luke was near the entrance of the cabin while Ruby and Chubs were sitting on Liam's bunk. He was keeping a lookout for any nosey people, as well as in case there was trouble. Luce wasn't with them because she was with Mike and Liam.

"Where did you learn to talk like that?" Ruby asked Chubs.

He shrugged. "I tried to imagine what Lee would have said, and went from there." He rubbed the top of his head. "Did I really say he had pretty princess hands?"

Ruby looked at Luke as he looked back at her. Together, they started to laugh. Chubs looked at the two before he joined in on the laughter.

"All that," Ruby said.

"And more," Luke added. "But that was awesome."

Chubs grew a bit serious as thoughts emerged. "Umm, I didn't want to say this before but I guess I'll say it now." He took a deep breath before he said, "Clancy tried to get in my head but he couldn't. I know, you might think I'm immune or some shit like that, but Luce tried to get in my head before and successfully, although they were accidents." He sat up straighter. "I felt him trying to get in, but I guess with him," he tapped his forehead, "steel trap."

"Interesting," Luke muttered. "Let's not get into it now though, we have other things to worry about."

"Right," Chubs agreed. "I just wanted to say that. Like in case he tries again or something." He shrugged.

Luce and Mike came stumbling in, one of Liam's arms over each of their shoulders.

"Lee," Chubs was saying, trying to get him to rouse. "Lee, can you hear me?"

The others helped him lay on the futon. Because of the light in the room, the damage on Liam's face could be seen. He wasn't broken, but he was damaged.

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