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Dedicated to Captain_Marvel_06

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Dedicated to Captain_Marvel_06

"So why are we at the mall?" Ruby asked as she got out of the van.

"Somebody's got to get supplies, right?" Chubs asked as though it was obvious.

The five walked into the abandoned mall. They were in darkness and the only light provided was from outside.

Liam walked to a lightbox before looking over at Zu. "Zu, would you do the honors?" He asked as he directed her to the lightbox.

She took her left glove off and rested her hand against the box. Immediately, electricity came out of her fingers and streaked to the box.

Fairy lights turned on, causing the group to smile. If it was dark outside and only the fairy lights provided light, the whole mall would look like a midnight city.

"Let's go shopping," Chubs told them before they all separated.

Zu and Ruby were at the clothing section, picking and trying on a few things.

Chubs was trying on different pairs of glasses, the Yellow soon joining him and giving him a thumbs-up of approval.

Luce was in the music section, picking out different CDs that had songs she knew she didn't have in her iPod. As she was looking at earbuds, she had the stack a few feet away from her resting on a shelf. 

She heard a clutter and sensed someone walked behind her. She turned to look, only to see a new CD on the stack and Liam walking away. He turned to glance at her and when he saw her looking at him, he smiled.

The group soon rejoined as they walked across the mall with their new items. Zu at the front, Chubs behind her, then Ruby, Liam, and Luce.

Not long after they found small bikes for kids. Zu, Ruby, and Chubs each rode one. Liam and Luce were pushing whoever they could because, with their heights, they couldn't be able to ride any of the bikes like the others.

It didn't take long for them to separate again. Zu was getting snacks while Ruby was at the book section with a light.

Luce walked down the escalator, looking around at the new section. She saw something painted on the ground and as she got closer to it she noticed it was the Psi symbol: Ψ. Not only that but also the words: GET OUT.

Liam walked near and as he got closer he realized what she was looking at. He looked around as hauntingly noises were suddenly being made.

The noises got the attention of Luce as well. She started to get nervous as she saw someone running. Unexpectedly, as though she was roughly pushed, she fell to the ground, releasing a surprised gasp.

Liam looked over, but before he could even think of helping her, he was suddenly floating. He got higher, but he didn't last long up there before he was forcefully dropped and fell on top of her.

"What's happening?" She asked as she looked around.

"I don't know," he said as he looked around. Before he knew it, he was floating high up again.

He wasn't the only one though, because not even five seconds later she was following him up in the air. Her making contact caused the two to hold onto each other as they floated higher.

Liam looked over and saw someone on the second floor. The person had both arms up at them. "Stop!" He yelled, but the person moved his arms down and caused the two to quickly drop.

Before she could touch the ground, Luce's eyes turned purple as she made them both stop. They floated, soon pulling apart from each other. Even through her purple eyes, she saw him with glowing blue eyes. It was then she realized she was controlling him and he was controlling her.

She fell and landed on her back as Liam's eyes stopped glowing. He dropped her, but it wasn't his fault because she stopped using her ability and her eyes were no longer glowing purple. She saw him quickly fly across, knocking into things and even moving a few.

"Liam!" She quickly got up and ran to him, completely ignoring the kids that were near her. When she got to him, she helped him up.

Zu ran to the location and saw what was going on. She didn't waste any time taking her new pink glove off and touching the streaming lights that were in front of her.

Bolts of electricity erupted and streamed all over, causing everyone to duck and cover themselves. Chubs and Ruby ran over and grabbed hold of Zu, pulling her back and falling on the floor. The lights went out, but sizzling could be heard as they all slowly got up.

The four kids dressed in black took off their goggles and masks. At the sight of them, Liam walked over as though he was about to start something.

"Hey, hey, hey," Luce said as she got a hold of his arm and tried to calm him down. "They're just kids." She pushed him behind her as the four got closer.

That stopped him from trying to start something physical, but that didn't stop him from saying something, "Hey, what the hell?"

"You could have been Tracers," the redhead told him.

"We're here for supplies," Luce told them.

Liam added, "We're not looking for trouble."

"Look," the redhead said, "no hard feelings. We're sorry." He didn't look sorry though. He sounded fake and he looked like he forced himself to say those words. "We can give you some food, and you can sleep here tonight."

His pal looked at him and smacked his arm. "What?" He obviously didn't like the idea of what was said.

"But only tonight," the redhead added, looking at the three he was with as though they better accept it and go along with it or else.

Ruby slowly stood up as Chubs was still on the ground with Zu in his arms.

Luce and Liam looked at each other, both sharing the same expression.

"Tonight's good enough," she told the four. "We're not here for trouble, as already mentioned. We'll be out of here by early morning."

"Whatever," one of the kids said before walking away.

Luce crossed her arms and looked at the kid the way a mother would look when unnecessarily given attitude while Liam raised a brow.

The girl sighed. "Just...don't worry about him." She rolled her eyes.

"Nice kid you got there," the Purple mumbled.

She obviously heard her as she made a face for a split second. "Come on, we'll get you situated for the night. Follow us." She turned around and started to walk, the two copying and walking alongside her.

Zu got up and was let go by Chubs. He followed and stood up. He looked at Liam and Luce as they followed the three kids.

"I don't know how I feel about this," Ruby said quietly to the two.

Zu shook her head as she agreed with her. She took her hand, as well as Chubs, and lead them to Luce and Liam and the three kids with the fourth one far ahead.


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