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Dedicated to panda_1308 

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Dedicated to panda_1308 

After Luce left, Ruby and Luke were surprisingly quiet. Too quiet, as a matter of fact.

Luke cleared his throat. "So, how about we...get back to...umm..."

She chuckled softly. "Get back to practicing? You showing me a few things, me showing you what I learned?"

He nodded. "Yeah, sorry."

"It's okay." She leaned back a bit as she brought her knees to her chest. "Actually, can we take a break? I think I'm starting to feel my brain frying a bit."

"Yeah, sure."

Cue the awkward silence.

Luke and Ruby opened their mouths to say something, but they closed them when they saw the other was going to say something.

"You go first," Ruby told him.

He shook his head and gestured his hand to her. "No, no, you go first."

She smiled a little. She looked down at her knees as she spoke, "You know, even though we haven't done much together, you're very different from Clancy."

He snorted. "Is that a compliment or...?"

"Don't take it in a weird or bad way. I mean, well, like I said we haven't done much but working with you is way different from him. I don't know, sometimes he would...I don't want to say force a lesson, but he's more demanding. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I get what you're saying. He's like that. He says he's doing it because he wants the best, but I always felt under pressure when I was with him for lessons. I don't know if it's because he's an Orange and they're all the way up there on the chart," he pointed up, "or because he's the 'slip kid' and in charge of everything."

"So he's basically letting the power he has get to his head?"

He leaned back against his arms as his hands were on the floor keeping him elevated. "Yeah, pretty much."

Ruby rested her chin on her knees. "Before Luce and I, have you taught anyone else? Whether it was a Blue, Yellow...maybe a Purple if there were any?"

At the mention of Purple, he froze. His mind went blank for a moment before he glanced to his right. His wrists were starting to ache, so he changed his position and sat crisscrossed again.

He rubbed his wrists as he spoke, "There was another Purple."

Was repeated in her head. Softly, she asked, "Was her name Alex?" When she saw the little reaction at the mention of her name, she added, "I don't know much about her, but I was told who she was."

He bit the inside of his cheek. "I didn't really teach her, but she learned a few things from me. She's more self-taught. She kind of didn't trust the others to help her because she felt like they didn't know how it was being a Purple despite having the same abilities."

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