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Dedicated to mydogs13

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Dedicated to mydogs13

Luce and Ruby fell face-down away from the crash.

"Ruby! Luce!" Chubs yelled when he saw the helicopter burst into flames.

They both got up and made a run for it, but they weren't fast enough because as soon as they got to the exit, the flames grazed the back of Chubs. He fell and grunted in pain, but he didn't stop running.

They all got to the edge and fell. They rolled down the hill, all in discomfort and in pain because of the event that occurred.

Luce and Ruby went to help Chubs up, whose back could be heard sizzling because of the burns quickly being formed. It was a struggle at first, but they managed to get him up and going.

They got him to the lake, which is as far as he could manage because as soon as he saw a tree he sat down. They two girls sat down either side of him, looking at him in concern as he grunted in pain.

"Where's Liam?" He managed to ask.

"I don't know. Chubs, we have to get out of here," Ruby said as she went to go help him up again.

He shook his head. "Go, save yourself."

"We have to get you help!" Luce told him.

"It's not happening," he said as he shook his head. He grunted in pain as he felt his skin continuing to damage itself because of the fire.

Ruby didn't like the sight that was in front of her. She tried to think of what could be done when something did come to her head. She went to her pocket and pulled out the necklace that was given to her by the league.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Chubs asked her.

"What is that?" Luce asked as she saw what she was holding.

"It's help," she simply answered them. "You're gonna be okay."

When he started to lean to the side, the two girls went to help him sit upright. The two looked at each other as Ruby pressed on the necklace, causing it to activate.


It was early in the morning when the two females woke up. Ruby was against the tree while Chubs was leaned against her. Luce was sitting behind him next to her.

"Chubs?" Luce asked as she lightly shook him. "Come on, Chubs."

When they heard their names being called, they looked at each other. They snapped their heads to the direction it came from when they saw Liam running toward them. He was the one calling their names.

Luce got up from her spot and ran to him. As soon as they touched, she started to cry. Their arms wrapped each other tightly.

"I knew you were okay," he said as he tightly hugged her.

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