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Dedicated to ChasingLight43

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Dedicated to ChasingLight43

The van arrived at a motel. It was very late and the sky was pitch black. The only lights provided were the motel's sign, the lights outside the rooms, and one street lamp.

"Luce and I are going to see what room is available," Liam said as he parked the van. "When we find a room, we'll come back, and then we can crash for the night, all right?"

The others nodded and the Blue and Purple got out of the van. Casually, they walked to a room that seemed unoccupied. They were on the ground floor, and if any rooms were unavailable then they'll work their way up.

"I'll do this one," she told him as she got to the door. With a finger, she acted like it was a key to the door. Her eyes turned purple as she used her telekinesis to unlock the door. She turned her hands as though unlocking a door, and to her surprise, it worked.

"Nice job," he told her with a smile. He opened the door and looked inside the room. It didn't seem occupied and it was good enough for five people. "I'll go get the others. You just stay here in case anyone decides to come out."

She nodded and went inside the room.


Ruby was in the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her. She picked up a small device given to her by the League that she kept just in case. She put it away and picked up a gift given to her by her dad from her tenth birthday. She looked in the mirror and the memories flooded her mind.

Her mind was pulled back to reality when she heard knocking on the door. She didn't go to open it though.

"Hey, Ruby, are you okay?" Luce asked her. When she got the attention of the others, she held a finger up to shush them.

"Umm, yeah, I'm fine." She didn't sound fine though.

"Are you sure?"

Ruby nodded. "Yup."

She slowly nodded her head. "Okay then. I'm outside if you need me for anything. I mean it." She walked away from the door and sat at the edge of the bed.

Nothing happened for a few minutes, but Liam grabbed a pair of socks and went to the bathroom door before softly knocking. "Hey, Ruby, you all right?"

That caused an annoyed sigh to come from her, but she went and opened the door this time. "What do you want?"

"Nothing, I just, uh..." He held up a pair of socks. "A peace offering."

"Aren't they yours?"

"Yeah, no. I have a couple of extra pairs. And, uh, you don't. Just take them. Chubs says your extremities or whatever are the first things to get cold and Luce backed it up."

"It's spring, so..."

Luce looked at Zu and Chubs, all three of them sharing the same look.

"Yeah. Yeah, but, you know, you're all... You need them. This way you won't...die."

"Oh my gosh, Liam," Luce said as she got up from the bed, "just give her the damn socks." She shoved him to the side as she took the socks from his hand and handed them to her. "Save him from his misery and take them, please."

She softly chuckled and took the socks. "Thanks." She smiled at the two before she softly closed the door.

"You got a way with the ladies, Liam," Chubs said with such sass and sarcasm in his voice Tony Stark wouldn't have been able to handle it.

Luce laughed as she crossed her arms and leaned her back against the wall next to the door.

"You gotta teach me your moves someday, pal."

"Do you even know how to talk to girls?" Luce asked with a raised brow.

That caused the blue-eyed male to scoff. "I do, actually, for the record."

"Mmm-hmmm. That was some bomb-ass speech going on a few seconds ago," Chubs said, Zu laughing. "I was so into it I forgot to take notes." He sighed. "Damn. Regrets."

"I know how to talk to Zu and she's a girl," he said as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Right Zu I know how to talk to you?"

She just nodded her head and smiled at him.

Luce followed along, returning to the spot she sat from earlier. "Okay, but you don't know how to talk to girls who are near or are your age."

"Ooh, that is true," Chubs agreed.

"I know how to talk to you," Liam told her.

That caused a snort to come out of Chubs. "Barely, and even I know that from a witness point of view."

Luce couldn't help but laugh at that and shake her head. "I love you guys, I swear I do."

Chubs smiled at her while Liam winked at her.

"And we love you too, darlin'."


They all laid down as they slept. Chubs and Liam were on the floor while Ruby and Zu were on the bed and Luce was on the couch.

Zu started to make a small whimpering sound as she slept. Her arm fell from where it rested over her stomach, touching Ruby's hand. Little did she knew she gave her access to her mind and her dream played for her.

It was when they broke out of the camp. Kids ran for the fence and surrounded. An alarm was going off and they were all yelling. Ruby can see everything that was going on as though she was in there herself.

She saw Liam, Zu, and Luce. She saw how she was the only Purple surrounded by Blues, Yellows, and Greens. She saw how they got out. She saw the PSFs shooting. She saw everyone running. She saw Zu fall and Liam picking her up. She saw everything.

She woke up as Zu woke up, a bit quickly though.

"Zu, hey," Luce whispered as she made her way toward her. She carefully sat down on the bed, making sure to not make any noise. "It's just a dream, okay? It's all right." She knows how she gets when it comes to the nightmares: they're like monsters to her and she's scared.

The Yellow only nodded at her softly. She was obviously still sleepy, but that nightmare really shook her up.

"Is it the same one?" When she nodded at her, she opened her arms. "Come on, I got you, hun." She smiled at her softly as she wrapped her arms around the child. "It's all right, okay?"

Zu nodded as she hugged her. She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment before reopening them. She looked over and saw Ruby awake before pulling away from the hug.

"You want me to lay with you until you go back to sleep?" Luce asked her as she put her hair behind her ears.

She thought about it at first, but she nodded her head. Sheepishly, she smiled at her.

"It's okay, I have no problem with it. I will, okay?"

She nodded and smiled. She moved over to make room and laid down.

"Do you want me to move?" Ruby asked Luce. "I can go to the couch and you can stay here with her if you prefer?"

She shook her head. "You don't have to, it's okay. Just go back to sleep." She smiled at the Green before laying down next to the Yellow.

She went back to laying down as well and faced Zu. "Are you okay, Zu?" As an answer, the Yellow nodded her head and smiled. She smiled a little in return. "Okay."

The two looked at each other before she turned over and faced Luce, closing her eyes then falling asleep.


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