Greens are geniuses.
Blues are telekinetics.
Yellows are electrokinetics.
Reds are pyrokinetics.
Oranges are mind controllers.
Purples are all of the above.
They are rare and har...
"Lee, don't you dare," Chubs began. "If the League comes after us..."
"It'll be okay," he said. "We're just taking her to the nearest bus station."
"You don't have to," Ruby said.
Liam waved her off. "It's fine. Sorry, we can't do more. Can't risk it."
"Yes, you're right," Chubs said. "So, explain to me why aren't we taking her to one of the train stations, which are closer?"
"Remind me again—Ruby, right? I'm sure you've caught on by now, but I'm Liam, Luce is back there, the lovely lady behind me is Suzume."
She smiled shyly. Ruby turned and raised a brow in the direction of Chubs. "I'm guessing your name isn't actually Chubs?"
"No, it's Charles to you," he sniffled. "Liam gave me that name at camp."
"He was a bit of a porker." Liam had a small smile on his face. "Turns out field labor and a restricted diet are better than fat camp. Zu can back me up on this one. Luce, I don't think she can."
But Zu wasn't paying attention to any of them. She had pulled her hoodie up over her ears and twisted around in her seat so that she was staring over the top of it, out of the back window. Her lips were parted, but she couldn't bring the words to them. The color drained from her round face.
"Zu?" Liam said. "What's wrong?"
She didn't need to point. Even if they hadn't seen the tan SUV speeding straight for them, it would have been impossible to miss the bullet that blew through the back window, barely missing Luce's head, and shattered it.
"That's Lady Jane!" Chubs told him. "I told you I saw Lady Jane!"
Lady Jane may have passed them, but she didn't stop. She turned the car around and started to chase them.
"Come on, we got to go. Go, go, go. Punch it!" Chubs told him.
"She's a freaking pyscho!" Luce said as the van was slammed by the other vehicle. She moved up so she wasn't getting hit.
Lady Jane pulled out her gun and began shooting once again. She got the side of the van, but that was about it so far.
Another car was slammed into Lady Jane's, causing her to drop her gun.
Chubs was the first to notice. "It's the League, man!"
"Go, go, go!" Cate told Rob, who pressed on the gas.
He drove to be next to Lady Jane, and when he did, he found an opportunity to slam his truck against her.
"Please. You have to let me out before someone gets hurt," Ruby told the two at the front.