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The brightness practically hurt his eyes by this point, but the constant urge to glance over every remark and praise that kept his lips up in a small smile had the boy ignoring the time long after the sun dipped away.

It wasn't until the sound of his stomach grumbling broke through the silence in his room, he finally looked away from his monitor and blinked a few times for his eyes to adjust to the darkness. Jungkook was starving.

The boy had gotten lost in his computer and barely noticed how late it had gotten. And it was a school night. With one look at the clock he knew he'd have to wake up in a couple hours and that was going to be brutal. His mom wasn't going to cut him some slack either, she knows this happens too often. Especially since the school likes to call students parents when they don't show up to classes.

Jungkook pushed his chair away from the desk and stood, fumbling his way through his room in the dark and all the way to the kitchen. The boy was too lazy to actually cook anything so he pulled the box of cereal off the top of the fridge and poured some into a bowl that sat on the counter already. He should really consider cleaning up a bit.

The ravenette scrolled aimlessly through twitter and instagram, ignoring all the notifs blowing up from viewers wondering why he was still awake and if he was going to post a new video this week. A light chuckle broke the silence of the dark apartment, Jungkook loved his job, and the people that loved it as well.

After liking a few random tweets and following a few accounts, Jungkook dropped the empty bowl into the sink and eventually landed on the couch. The glow of his phone and the sound of the television playing quietly lulled the boy to sleep after a few minutes.

The next morning Jungkook was very unhappy to hear his alarm clock startle him awake. It took a few minutes for the teenager to pull himself up off the couch with a series of bones popping and satisfied grunts from stretching.

He knew what he was going to wear already today. It was easy to get dressed when the majority of your closet was tossed on the floor and in need of washing. Jungkook eventually found a black t-shirt that smelled alright and tugged on a pair of skinny jeans. The leather jacket he always wore was on the counter next to his keys and he quickly grabbed both before walking out the door.

When he made it to school, Jungkook had barely made it to his first period calculus class. The teacher gave him a knowing look but the boy only grinned and waltzed back to his seat in the far back. He liked this desk the best because it was the last one in the aisle and he could lean his head against the wall.

Like usual, the desk in front of him was empty and Jungkook rested his feet on the seat. He was still exhausted from barely sleeping and didn't pay attention to his teachers lecture. "Good morning class," Mr. Tran started, "Don't forget about the chapter test on Friday and be ready to start thinking of project ideas for next week. There's one month left of the semester and we don't want to fall behind."

Jungkook liked having math first period. To him it was easy and enjoyable, rather than a chore that resulted in headaches and too much stress. It also let him daydream more since he basically knew what was going on. Being homeschool for the previous 11 years helped him catch up and even excel at his studies.

The class he really liked was his second period, especially since his best friend was in that class with him.

Speaking of the blonde, Jimin immediately wrapped his arms around Jungkook once the bell rang and he made his way into their physics class. "Kookie!" the shorter boy exclaimed, always too happy in the mornings. Jungkook only enjoyed it because he was able to snag more breakfast from the blonde since he was always in such a good mood. Plus, no one can turn down Jungkooks bright eyes.

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hit that lil star

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