forty seven.

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That next day once classes ended, Jimin ran so fast through the courtyard and out the school gates. From the high school, Jin's house was maybe a thirty minute walk away, but the boy brought an extra change of clothes and decided to run to make it there in twenty.

"Jin!" he yelled into his phone while he stopped at an intersection of busy cars and people leaving school or work.

"Jimin!" his hyung yelled just as excitedly.

The boy giggled and took off across the road as the crossing sign blinked green for him. "I'll be there soon, open the gate for me please."

"Of course baby, just text me!" Jin said, before they both hung up and Jimin continued to run down the sidewalk towards the area of much bigger homes and gates.

When he got there, a small trickle of sweat trailed down his temple as he quickly texted his hyung snd waited for the huge gate to swing open. One day he hoped to be successful too and buy his mom a house like this. She deserved it.

"Jin!" Jimin shouted once he raced to the front door and threw it open, "Namjoon!"

"Child!" the two males shouted back from their seats in the living room.

"Can I shower real quick?" Jimin asked sweetly, leaning over the back of the couch between his two hyungs.

Jin nodded, "Of course, but hurry up so you can start on your appetizers. I bought everything so it should be in the kitchen."

The boy smiled and kissed Jin on the cheek, "Thank you so much," before running up the stairs to use the guest bathroom.

Once he was out of the shower, Jimin quickly changed into sweatpants and a plain black t-shirt, he's pretty sure it was actually Jungkooks. His phone rang and a collar ID showed up that made him smile, "Hey, are you ready soon?" he asked.

"I'll be there in twenty." his voice sounded crackly through the phone and Jimin could hear car horns in the back. He must have gotten stuck in city traffic on the way over.

"Okay, I'll start on the appetizers and set everything up so we're organized." Jimin said on his way down the stairs. Jin must have heard him because he clapped with a smile, "Organization is sexy, you're already off to a good start." he said.

The shorter boy smiled at the praise and said goodbye to his friend on the phone before hanging up and entering the huge kitchen. Namjoon was currently setting up the camera equipment on the island. There were three cameras to get different angles, the main one set up on the island where Jimin would be mostly, another aimed downwards at the counter where a cutting board was waiting, and then another closer at the other end of the island more from the side.

Jimin was very excited. He spent all day picking the best courses and making a menu that would hopefully sound good to the other two. He's happy to know both of them well and pick things that they would love hopefully.

"Alright, when is your assistant going to get here?" Jin asked, moving behind the main camera and double checking it was set up well with Jimin in the frame. "He should be here any minute." Jimin said. "I'm going to start because I don't want Jungkook and Taehyung waiting for their appetizers."

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