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The floors were shiny and nearly clean, that was until the two boys arrived and dumped all their things on the ground. It was mainly two backpacks and a duffel full of clothes, along with one of the boys camera bag and other filming equipment.

Jungkook was currently pulling out the tripod and setting up the camera in a good spot to shoot the video. The other boy, who was spinning lazily around in the chair, watched while sipping on his juice box.

"Have you thought about getting a gym membership?" Jungkook asked his friend, stepping back from the camera and glancing at the viewfinder.

Jimin just stopped spinning in the chair and shrugged, even though his friend couldn't see, "I don't think I could afford it every month, this place is way too nice."

The younger male just hummed and walked back to the camera, crouching down and adjusting it a bit to his liking. Jungkook walked back to the center of the dance studio and checked again if it was placed accordingly. He had one hand on his hip and his head tilted to the side in concentration.

"Have you ever thought about getting a camera man?" It was Jimins turn to ask, "A lot of your videos are not centered and sometimes blurry, I think it's because your hands sometimes shake-" the shorter male was cut off when the chair he was sitting in jolted to the side.

Jungkook looked a little more relaxed after kicking the chair and walked back to the camera. "I'd have to pay them."

"That's kind of how a job works." Jimin said.

It was an attempt to be funny, but Jungkook didn't really laugh and Jimin just shrugged, still thinking he had some humor. "You know who would be a good camera guy,"

"Who," Jungkook asked. The two boys started to stretch a bit and loosen up before the routine. They had to be somewhat ready to dance even though it always ends with them messing around and laughing their asses off.

"Taehyung." the blonde said.

"Is that the kid with the lazy eye who sits in the back of the physics room?" Jungkook asked. He was never good with putting names to faces and remembering them.

Jimin threw whatever was closest to him, this time it being a water bottle, towards his best friend, "That's my sisters cousin be nice."

The younger boy of course threw the water bottle back, with much more force and earning a high pitched yelp in return. "Wouldn't he be your cousin too then?"

"No he has a lazy eye."


honeychim's story

honeychim's story

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