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"Show me."


"Bro show me, you ugly fish."

Jungkook stared at his friend, "Why are you taking personal shots now? Thats a bit rude don't you think." he said, shaking his head and turning back to his physics worksheet.

"You constantly make fun of my height." Jimin shot back. "Now show me the caterpillar."

The ravenette glared at his friend from across the aisle of desks. This was probably the only moment he wished the teacher hadn't assigned their seats to be right next to each other. Now he had to deal with his best friend begging to see the doodle that was the cause of the embarrassment he felt last period.

The physics teacher glanced their way and signaled them to quiet down. Jungkook sent one more warning glare at the blonde next to him and then back at his worksheet that was still mostly blank. With a sigh, he leaned down to reach into his backpack and take out the notebook, tossing it onto Jimins desk and not missing the gleam of joy in his eyes. 

"Aw Kookie!" he gushed a few seconds later, "This is adorable, you gave him little arms and these big eyes." Jimin leaned over and put the notebooks back on the youngers desk, a huge eye smile on his face.

Jungkook just huffed and looked down at the doodle, "It is kinda cute."

"Hell yeah it is." the blonde said. It was only a few seconds later that the silence was broken again in their physics class. Jimin was never one to remain quiet for long in any situation. "Hey Kook.." he tried to whisper, eyes darting over to their teacher who was used to reprimanding the two boys.

"Yes Jimin." Jungkook mumbled, his pen moving easily against the paper as he worked out the physics problems. He had studied he conservation law chapter over the summer and remembered how to expand the equations. "Can you give me the answers?"

It was a chance worth taking. Jimin said it sweetly with a nice smile aimed directly at Jungkook who seemed to be unamused. The ravenette has become immune to the cute act his best friend would use to get what he wants, much to Jimins dismay, who now how to work out the problems himself.


Physics had went by pretty quickly, Jungkook finished his work and turned to help Jimin with the rest of his. He didn't mind much since next period he planned to take a nap.
It was the bell for lunch that woke him up.

Jungkook picked up his backpack and shoved his notebook into it. He had to remember to start working on the project that was assigned.

The hall was flooded with students making their way to their next class and other to the cafeteria. Jungkook followed the wave of teens out to the courtyard and he eventually found some space to separate himself from the mix of pretty perfumes and body odor.

Jimin always got to the cafeteria first, perks of having English third period, one of the closest buildings to the cafeteria.

The boy was short but Jungkook could always see his fluffy blonde head right away sitting at their usual table. It was only confusing when the young male pushed open the doors and saw another head topped with messy brown locks next to his best friend.

That confusion grew and mixed with surprise as Jungkook walked closer, an odd feeling settling in his stomach as he noticed the guy Jimin was talking to. It was hard to forget that face, and that voice, especially when the guys pink lips parted to let out a heavenly laugh.

Oh my god are they friends? Since when.

Jungkook struggled to sort his thoughts and the anxiety starting to pulse through his veins as he wondering if he should sit or just keep walking past the table. He would have to make up his mind soon because the table was getting closer and he was still mentally at war.

That fucking caterpillar. Jungkook bit down on his lip and almost turned around if it wasn't for the eye contact he made with Jimin.

The blonde didn't notice his friend wide eyes and subtle shaking of his head, only smiling widely at the black-haired boy and waving him over to sit, "Hey! Took you long enough." Jimin laughed lightly.

Jungkook forced a smile and shook the strap of his backpack off his shoulder, dropping it loudly onto the floor but the thud being drowned out by all the students chatter.

He could feel a pair of eyes on him as he sat down, and a sudden wave of confidence somehow let him meet the boys gaze.

Jimin was quick to introduce the two boys sitting with him, the smile not faltering as he looked between his two best friends actually sitting at the same table. He has been lucky to have them at the same place, one too busy talking to cameras and the other too occupied with running off to foreign countries.

The blonde was too absorbed in his own happiness to notice the odd yet entranced look his two friends were sharing.
That is, until one decided to speak up.

"How's the caterpillar coming along?"

"For fucks sake." Jungkook pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes. Maybe this would haunt him forever. He never knew how to not be dramatic.

The brunette laughed and Jungkook tried to ignore the chill that went down his spine after hearing that deep raspy voice again. Is it really possible to enjoy someone's voice so quickly?

"Oh yeah, I kinda told him about the caterpillar and the cute guy." Jimin said with a sheepish smile.

Cute guy.

Jungkook felt the dread seep into his veins, he tried to think of what he's done recently to deserve this kind of karma and constant embarrassment.

The ravenette should have expected to see the content smile on the other guys face, he knew exactly who the "cute guy" was in the story Jimin told him. It took a lot of Jungkooks willpower to not impulsively punch the guys subtle smirk off his face.

Especially when Jimin decided now was the time to run off to get lunch and leave the two boys alone.

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go watch g idles comeback
soyeon is a genius producer
uh-oh deserves so much attention

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