fifty seven.

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The day didn't get much better for the raventte. He was almost dreading going to lunch and trying to sit through thirty minutes of silence with the one person he wanted to sort things out with. All he wanted to do was apologize and maybe forget it happened, much to his dismay.

Except, when the time came, Taehyung didn't appear at the table. Jimin had to tell their youngest friend that he was busy in the library would meet him at his jeep after school.

Jungkook nodded and set his backpack on the set next to him. "Do you want me to get you something in the line?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook just shook his head and pulled it his laptop, noticing the reminder to work on his photography project that was due soon. He had totally forgot. The pulse started behind his eyes and he sighed deeply massaging his temples gently, despite that never really making headaches go away. There was just too much right now.

"I got you some chips anyways." Jimin came walking back with a sweet smile and set the tray down, sliding over the little bag to Jungkook across from him. "Thanks."

"No problem Kook." Jimin said, poking at the noodles on his plate and scrunching his nose. "School noodles are always a bit limp looking."

"Aren't all noodles limp?" Jungkook asked.

Jimin just shrugged and spun some around his fork, "Maybe soggy was a better word."

"Maybe." Jungkook said.

The shorter boy sighed softly and ate his noodles quietly. He could tell his friend was bothered, and he wanted to help, but steering him away from this would hurt him less in the end. Jimin has known Taehyung since they were kids, he knows him better than Jungkook does, but he also knows how stubborn the youngest boy is.

Jungkook looked around the cafeteria aimlessly, mostly full of students eating or chatting like any other day. He noticed the girl from his calc class with the fire red hair and tried to get photography inspiration form that, he's seen her with a camera before. Maybe she could be of some help.

They finished lunch in silence, except for Jimin make a few attempts at conversation and only sighing when he got one or two words in return. Any other day he would have smacked the kid for being disrespectful, but today didn't seem like a joking day. "I'll see you tomorrow?" Jimin tried one last time as they exited the cafeteria.

Jungkook nodded, "I'll text you." he said, walking in the opposite direction of the building his next class was in. Jimin knew he was skipping the rest of the day now.

It was almost a joke, how lenient the security at this school was. Most would assume he would be caught by now, seen jumping the fence at the front and badly punished or not able to graduate due to the days he's missed. Jungkook never cared much, he was here for his friends and experiencing it, not necessarily the need for a diploma to define his future.

The sun had heated the black seats on the inside of his jeep and Jungkook hissed when he touched the steering wheel. He quickly started the car and let the air conditioning cool it down before pulling out of the parking lot and setting an alarm to make sure he was back in time to pick up Taehyung.

The nearest supermarket wasn't that far away, and it was the only place Jungkook could think to go in the meantime. He had to get some pain reliever for this headache and maybe a few other things.

"Thank you." he said politely to a woman that kept the door open for him once he parked and walked up to the store.

Jungkook grabbed a small basket and started walking up the aisles, grabbing a few groceries like cereal and chips for when Jimin comes over this weekend. He found the pain reliever by the pharmacy and grabbed a couple boxes just in case.

It was the display of wine that caught his attention. Pretty bottles in different shapes and colors that seemed aesthetically pleasing to have lined up on a wall.

Once I get a bigger home. He thought.

For now, he grabbed three bottles and placed them carefully in his basket before heading to the cashier.

The lady scanned his items and he stood there smiling innocently, the box of cereal followed by three bottles of wine may have looked odd for a boy to buy at noon on a friday, but Jungkook just smiled. "I have company coming over this weekend."

The cashier just nodded and printed his receipt as he paid before helping bag his items. "Have a nice day." she said.

Jungkook thanked her and headed back out to his jeep, he had an hour or so to kill before going back to the school.

These are the times that the playlist Jimin makes on his phone come in handy. He wasted the time by singing along to songs and even vlogging a bit along in his car between songs before he'd pause to belt a note. "Jimins going to be over this weekend so we'll definitely film something or go live." Jungkook talked to his phone, adjusting it on the dash before leaning back in his seat and fixing his hair. "He loves you guys too."

Jungkook checked the time and decided he should head out soon. "I have to go pick up a friend now, I think you know who that is anyways." he said, followed by a light laugh, "He's pretty great." Jungkook trailed off, he got lost in his thoughts, rubbing his bottom lip with his index finger.

"I'll talk to you guys later." he said, smiling small at his phone camera before stopping the recording and starting his jeep.

The drive back to school was slower, more cars on the road leaving the campus while others were from jobs. Jungkook heard his phone ring and glanced at the name flashing on his phone.

"Hey, where are you?" Taehyungs voice filled the car and Jungkook ignored the pinch in his chest.

"I'll be there in two minutes." Jungkook said, turning into the parking lot.

Taehyung hummed, "Alright, see you."

"Bye." Jungkook hit a button his steering wheel and the phone call ended. He pulled around the front of the parking lot and recognized the boy standing underneath the awning with his backpack straps clutched in his hands.

Taehyung saw his car and came walking over one he was close enough, "Hey," he said once getting into the car.

Jungkook just hummed and started to drive out of the lot once again and back towards his house. "Do you want me to drop me at yours or go to mine?" he asked.

"Yours." Taehyung said, momentarily glancing into the backseat, "You went shopping?"

"I got some groceries for the weekend." Jungkook answered, paying more attention to the road due to the increase in traffic. "Put your seatbelt on."

Taehyung spun back around in his seat to face front and pulled on his seatbelt. "Cinnamon toast crunch and wine is what you define as groceries?" he laughed lightly and Jungkook found himself smiling slightly.

"Do you expect anything else from me?" Jungkook asked, glancing sideways at the pretty boy in his passengers seat.

Taehyung shook his head, a smile on his lips as well, "Nope, you're doing great."

i'm so proud of myself for updating
two nights in a row omg
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