sixty nine.

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The food and Jimin all came around the same time much to everyone's happiness. With everything and everyone here, there was no waiting and the boys could dig in and talk for hours without a care.

"Let's get these babies out." Jimin clenched his little fists and bounced in his seat.

Jungkook has dragged the table out to fit the three of them on one side so they all faced the camera with the lay out of food in front of him. "Where's the blue cheese?" Taehyung grabbed the bag of greasy food and pulled out the little cup of sauce.

"Blue cheese?" Jimin scoffed, "You basic ass bitch, bring out the ranch." he slammed his fist on the table and earned a glare from the youngest who was coming back from the kitchen after turning on the camera.

"I got you Chim." Jungkook tossed the bottle of ranch to the shorter boy who smiled thankfully.

The three boys settled and each took a fork, digging into the wings and getting a start to fill their bellies before actually talking. Jungkook moaned dramatically and set his fork down to grab some of the fries.

"I can't believe you're eating the fries." Taehyung said, reaching over to take some. He had ordered them for himself but he couldn't stop the younger from eating to his hearts content.

"Why's that?" Jungkook chuckles, taking a few more from the tray.

Taehyung gave up on the fries and stole one of the barbecue wings from in front of Jimin, earning a little growl from the boy. "Just because your body doesn't look like it's seen french fries in eighteen years."

"So you're saying you've seen his body." Jimin commented, innocently eating the boneless wings with a little smile. The other two boys froze and looked over at the smaller boy, neither really knowing how to respond to that.

"Anyways," Jungkook said, a glance at the camera and wondering if he should keep that in or edit it out, until realizing they were live. "These fries are awesome, not spons."

Jimin laughed and reached for one of the burgers, tearing it in half before taking a bite, "Jungkook your viewers are asking you questions in the chat." he said, squinting his eyes to read the comments hurrying past.

Jungkook went for another wing and dipped it in the blue cheese, "What's the name of our cat?" he read a few of the same comments in the chat about that. "I have no clue, that was Jimins job."

"Where is he anyways?" Taehyung glanced down to check below the table and then over towards the living room. The cat was sprawled on the couch cushion as usual, pursuing a deep sleep with little snores.

"Sleeping like a whole ass baby." Jungkook said.

"Why don't we just call him baby?" Jimin asked, he had abandoned the burger to go for another wing among the ones quickly disappearing.

Jungkook chuckled and glanced at the brunette boy beside him, "Taehyung might get confused and think I'm talking to him." he said with a smirk on his pink lips, the color matching the tint to Taehyungs cheeks.

"Eat your food." Taehyung mumbled, shoving another wing towards the younger boy.

The ravenette just laughed and nudged his friends shoulder, "I'm just teasing." he said, "Oh yeah!" he exclaimed. "Check out my bandage guys."

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