twenty eight.

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By the time the table was cleared and the sun was high in the sky and already descending, the ravenette received another text from his friend who was on his way over to Jin's house.

"Hey Jin, whats your gate code?" Jungkook asked, thumbs hovering over the keyboard.

"You don't remember it?" the elder asked from the couch, looking over his shoulder with a knowing smile. The glare that was sent his way by the youngest boy made him cave quickly.

Jin still wouldn't turn back around to face the movie they had put on, his stare on the side of Jungkooks face was getting on his nerves.
"Can I help you?" he asked his hyung, glancing up from his phone finally.

"So how cute is this guy?"

"Excuse me?" Jungkook and Namjoon both spoke at the same time.

Jin just rolled his eyes and turned back to the movie, "I can count your friends on one hand and still have enough fingers to sip my tea." his voice was full of playful sass and Jungkook was torn between giggling and being offended. "He must be cute if you're already friends with him after a few days."

Jungkook just shrugged and went back to sit at the table with his laptops. He never thought about it, it wasn't really on his mind, but he couldn't now deny that Taehyung was attractive.

The knock on the door had Jungkook on his feet in seconds. There was no way he was going to let either of the other two open the door and scare away his editor. "Hey." Jungkook said, smiling at the older boy once he opened the door to let him in.

"Hey," Taehyung said, voice deep as usual, "Is this your house?" he asked, eyes looking around the foyer and big staircase leading up to the bedrooms.

"No, it's his house." Jungkook said, pointing to the grinning Jin, leaning over the back of the couch to wave from the living room.

Taehyung waved back and removed his coat, hanging it on the rack before following the younger towards the kitchen.

The youngest didn't miss the hand that smacked his ass when he walked past the couch, turning to glare at Jin who was still grinning, "He is cute." he whispered.
"Shut up." Jungkook whispered back.

"Sorry I couldn't make it yesterday." Taehyung said. He had walked to the kitchen table and pulled out the seat across from Jungkook, setting his own bag down and pulling out a laptop and mouse.

Jungkook just waved it off and sat back down, "It's okay, I didn't get much done anyways and all I got from Jimin was lame explosions."

The older boy chuckled and pushed up his thinly framed glasses before opening his laptop and typing away, "Of course he did that," Taehyung said, "What format and software do you use?"

The ravenette just turned his laptop around after opening a few files, "I have an old dance video that needs to be edited, move the frame to match the chore and stuff like that." he said. Taehyung only nodded and typing while listening and looking at files.

"Thanks," he said, turning Jungkooks laptop back around to face the younger.

They sat for a while and edited a few videos, Jungkook finished one and started thinking of ideas for his photography assignment. He had a few ideas about how to incorporate family into a traditional holiday scene. All he needed now was a good model.

The idea sparked so quickly Jungkook couldn't help how fast he looked up at the other sitting across from him.

It was odd, to watch someone focus on something of your own work. He glanced down at the older boys hands typing on the keyboard, then moving to click on the mouse. Jungkook never really thought he had a thing for hands.

"Do you want to take a look at this?" Taehyungs voice had scared the younger for a moment, luckily not visibly flinching. Jungkook managed to nod, not trusting his voice after not talking for at least an hour. "I just want to make sure it fits your style."

Jungkook chuckled quietly at that, getting up and walking around the table to see the others screen. One hand rested on the back of Taehyungs chair while the other sat flat on the table, "My style is laziness so I'm sure this looks great." he leaned over and watched the screen, missing how the close proximity made the older shift slightly.

"It looks good." Jungkook mumbled, eyes trained on the video and the way Taehyung made the frame zoom according to the motion of the dance.

"Does that mean I get forty an hour?" Taehyung cracked a smile, looking sideways at the younger boy beside him.

Jungkook returned the look and chuckled quietly, "No dummy."

The two returned back to their work, except an hour or so later one started doing homework and the other was playing some online game. Jungkook realized the older was finished when quiet grunts of frustration left his lips.
"You sound like you suck." the ravenette said, continuing to add items to his amazon cart. Hopefully they would all be here in time for his project due date.

"You sound like an asshole." Taehyung shot back, a playful glare seen from over the top of the laptop to lessen the diction.

Jungkook just leaned back in his seat and rose an eyebrow, "You sound like a little broke boy."

He didn't miss the smile tugging at Taehyungs pink lips, the playful bickering lightening the mood after hours of editing and exhaustion seeping into the boys systems. Jungkook also didn't miss the smile from the kitchen, and the very happy Jin listening in on the two boys teasing each other in his house.

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