forty one.

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The sun had barely been up for a few hours when the doorbell rang and the ravenette furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, setting his camera down and going to see who it was so early on a week day.

It was a surprise, a good one, but Jungkook wasn't sure why the boy was here and not in their calculus class. "Why aren't you at school Taehyung?"

"Why aren't you at school Jungkook?" the older boy rose an eyebrow before walking into the dimly lit apartment.

The younger boy rolled his eyes and shut the door before going back to his work at the kitchen table. "You were suppose to come over after school." Jungkook said. They had a lot of filming to do this week since he planned to film with a friend next week.

"I figured we could get more done throughout the whole day." Taehyung said, slipping off his backpack and going into the kitchen for something to drink. "Plus school isn't paying me to be there, but you are."

Jungkook feigned sadness and held his hand to his heart, "And I was just starting to think you genuinely liked my company."

There was a chuckle and a shake of his head before Taehyung walked over to the kitchen table, "Nope it's all about the money." he joked.

The younger huffed and set the camera back down, adjusting the legs of the tripod by bending them a certain way before looking at his laptop. Taehyung noticed the crinkle of his eyebrows and the slight pout on his face from his response. He couldn't help but chuckle quietly again, "It's the money, and maybe you're a little cute."

A small smile tugged at the ravenettes lips, "You just might get a raise kid." Jungkook said. This only earned a smack on his head and a glare from Taehyung, "I'm older be respectful."

"Anyways," he began, "What are we filming today?"

Jungkook hummed and was busy doing something on his laptop before he answered his friend, "I want to film at least two things. Just a fun little vlog because I usually post those in the middle of the week since school is so draining,"

He was cut off by Taehyung laughing lightly, "Draining? You don't do anything there."

"Sorry I'm a genius." Jungkook shrugged with a smile, "Anyways, then I want to film you, like a cameraman reveal thing."

"Already? I've only filmed like three videos, I thought we were going to wait on that." Taehyung said. He picked up the camera and opened the view finder, pointing the lens at the younger boy who was oblivious to being watched, only staring off into space and biting on his bottom lip in thought. Taehyung zoomed in on the boys pretty face and cracked a small smile as he stared.

"I know we were going to wait," Jungkook started, his eyes still stuck on a random spot of the kitchen table, "But Jin wants you in his series next week and everyone already bothers me about who you are. All you had to do was breathe behind the camera and they're obsessed." he finished saying before looking up and noticing the camera aimed at him. Jungkook smiled and held his hand up to cover the lens, but Taehyung was still a few steps away and out of reach.

"Are you already filming, you dork." Jungkook laughed lightly, "How much did you get?"

Taehyung laughed, somehow the youngers was becoming contagious. "Everything including people being more obsessed with my laugh than what's actually being recorded in your videos."

Jungkook dropped his hands and gave his friend a look, "Don't put words in my mouth. That's not how workers get tips."

The older boy just rolled his eyes with a smile and adjusted the camera lens to zoom out and show more of Jungkook and his surroundings. "Well I guess we're starting," Jungkook said while looking at the camera and unknowingly straight into the others eyes. "Hey guys, welcome back, if I look like a wreck please refrain yourselves from pointing it out."

"You look great." Taehyung said from behind the camera.

This only brought out the confidence in Jungkook and his carefree persona that seems to show once he's facing the camera and comfortably talking to his viewers. The boy dramatically fluttered his eyelashes and tucked his hair behind his ear, "Thank you Mr. Cameraman."

"Anyways," Jungkook continued, walking back into the kitchen and opening the fridge. Taehyung followed with steady hands.
"Next week I'll be filming with Jin, he's doing this cooking series for his channel and he's smart enough to know that I bring the views and sustain his income." he paused to take a sip of his juice, glancing at Taehyung who was tight-lipped and holding back a laugh.

The two only lasted a few more seconds before laughing which gradually turned into giggles, ones that lasted a little too long and would probably be edited out later on. "Okay but seriously, It's going to be a busy week, Jimin will be there too," Jungkook said, "And even my lovely assistant here holding the camera. Of course I'm going to post my own video revealing his handsome face. There's no way I'm letting Jin hyung have that glory."

"Oh so you can call him hyung." Taehyung glared at Jungkook from behind the camera.

The ravenettes jaw dropped slightly and he held his hand to his chest again, ever so dramatically and feigning innocence. "I do not know what you are talking about. I am so respectful and loving towards you hyung." Jungkook said all while holding back a smile that Taehyung could easily see by now. They weren't nearly strangers anymore.

Jungkook talked a bit more about random things, the week and how things been, it was a normal video he would film on his own. He didn't really mind that Taehyung was there recording it all, he was still comfortable. "We should probably get going or else I'll ramble for hours about nothing important." Jungkook said looking over the camera at Taehyung.

"Where do we have to go?" the older asked.

Jungkook grabbed his phone and his water, "I'm kinda dumb and forgot to buy another SD card. And I out of the five I have, I left my free one at my moms house so," he chuckled quietly, "rip."

"Lets just go to my house. I have one there you can use for the next videos we film." Taehyung offered.

Jungkook nodded and shoved his phone into his pocket before getting his house keys, "Okay, but you have to get a really cool shot from behind of me walking down the hallway."

Taehyung chuckled and nodded, following behind the younger boy who grinned over his shoulder before shutting his apartment door after grabbing their backpacks.

It was essentially the two fooling around after that, Jungkook wouldn't stop messing around with everything they passed from children on the sidewalk that he insisted needed a high five from him to the food stands that were 'calling his name.'

Taehyung captured it all, and he did so with many laughs and a smile that made his cheeks hurt by the end.

i'm going to start leaving song recommendations here

also i need to hurry this up since i'm already at forty chapters

bro it goes by so fast with media parts

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