fifty six.

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The brunette boy was up before their alarm and pacing in the bathroom. Everything from last night came back so quick when he woke up to a shirtless Jungkook who had his arms tightly around his waist. It took a while to loosen the grip and replace a pillow in the boys arms so Taehyung could escape.

"Oh god," Taehyung hung his head and gripped the sink. How could he have let himself make out with the younger all night and not think about how awkward it would be the next morning, or any day after that. The sound of Jungkooks alarm went off in the bedroom and Taehyung winced at the obnoxiousness of it.

At least he could leave quickly for school and maybe Jungkook wouldn't go today.

"Taehyung?" he heard his name being called and couldn't ignore the swirl of his stomach hearing it. The sweet feeling in his chest was frowned upon, but Taehyung wasn't dumb, he knew he had already gotten attached.

Taehyung pushed open the bathroom door and managed a smile, trying his best to hide the blush on his face as Jungkook stood from the bed, toned abs and torso on full display. "Hey," he managed to choke out, "Good morning."

"Good morning." Jungkook smiled and walked over to him, "Did you sleep well?"

Taehyung nodded, his bangs bouncing and fingers playing with each other. "We have to leave soon for school."

The younger just groaned and went to the closet to grab a hoodie, tugging it on and grabbing his laptop. "We should just stay here."

"I don't skip school." Taehyung said.

Jungkook nodded and did a few things on his computer before shutting it and running his hands through his hair a few times. "Okay let's go, we can pick up breakfast on the way."

After Taehyung borrowed some clothes from Jungkooks closet, they went down to find his jeep and make their way to school. The older thought he was going to be dropped off, but was surprised when Jungkook parked in his usual spot and took his backpack from the backseat.

"You're coming today?" Taehyung asked with his hand resting on the handle of the door.

Jungkook looked mildly confused for a second, "Uh yeah, I thought it would be better than sitting alone at home." he said.

Taehyung nodded slowly before they both got out and made their way to the front gates. The walk was silent and Jungkook was starting to get a little bothered with the lack of talking.

Before he could mention it, Jimin came running up to them with a grin and threw his arms over both their shoulders, pushing his way into the middle, "I missed you guys!"

"It's been ten hours." Jungkook chuckled.

Jimin just shrugged and squeezed their shoulders once more before letting them go.
"I missed you too." Taehyung smiles.

Jungkook noticed this and felt his jaw clench. That was more words in ten seconds then he received the entire car ride to school.

"I'll see you in physics and I'll see both of you at lunch!" Jimin shouted before running off to his homeroom while the other two entered the math building.

"Hey are you alright?" Jungkook grabbed Taehyungs elbow before he could enter their calculus class. Students passed them and some said hello to the ravenette, leaving the older to just wait before speaking. "I'm just tired that's all." Taehyung said.

Jungkook laughed lightly and adjusted the strings on Taehyungs hoodie, "Yeah we were a little busy."

The older boy just hummed and nodded slightly, "The lessons gonna start soon, we should head in." he said, adjusting the strap of his backpack before going into the classroom. Jungkook sighed and let his hands fall to his sides, shoulders dropping and mood following soon after.

They didn't talk the entirety of calculus class. Jungkook was doodling in his notebook in frustration with a purple glitter pen, the color of the ink and his mood contradicting each other greatly. He was only paying attention to the lesson in case Taehyung had a question in the work, which he always does. The older boy didn't turn around once.

It was when the bell rang that the younger was finally acknowledged, "I'll see you at lunch." Taehyung told him before they parted ways in the hallways. Jungkook didn't even care that it was mildly dismissive, at least he got Taehyung to speak more than two words to him.

"Hey, what's up?" Jimin asked him as he came to sit down in physics class.

Jungkook just sighed and dropped his backpack to the floor, still gently since he knew he had his laptop. "I have no clue." he said, opening his notebook and tearing out one of the doodles, "I drew you a penguin."

Jimin gasped and took the little piece of paper and traced the purple glittery lines. "I love it." he gushed, slipping the paper into the front of the plastic covering the front of his binder. "Now, what's wrong."

They both usually got to class pretty early, leaving about five minutes before the late bell would ring. Some students hadn't even entered yet, if he wanted to say something he would have to speak up now before they all three sat together at lunch. Jungkook tapped his pen against the desk and bit the inside of his cheek, maybe Jimin won't find it weird that his two friends made out. "I may or may not have kissed Taehyung last night and I think that's why he's acting weird with me."

"Damn it Jungkook!" Jimin smacked the desk and half stood out of his seat, pointing a finger at the younger, "Don't mention it to Jin or else I owe him money."

Jungkook was surprised at his friends outburst, not really expecting him to react like that, but it soon turned into a frown. "Did you seriously bet on me and Taehyung kissing?"

The older friend just sat back down and shrugged, "I thought Tae would avoid your mouth like the plague."

"I'm mildly offended."

"Good." Jimin said. "And don't worry about it, Taehyung is complicated with all that."

That just made the ravenette more confused, not fully understanding how he's suppose to use that to fix what he did. "I don't know what that's suppose to mean."

Jimin just sighed and took a pen out to be ready for the notes. "He's complicated." Jimin tired to explain, scribbling randomly on the paper to try and get the pen to work, "I wouldn't try to make it go any further than friends Kook." he said softly.

"It's a little late for that." Jungkook mumbled, closing his notebook and leaning back in his seat. Maybe staying home alone today would have been a better idea.

i don't like angst so don't worry
it'll all go away be fluffy happy

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